Knock Knock Knock | Teen Ink

Knock Knock Knock

May 28, 2024
By Yayah GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
Yayah GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
17 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“Oh god”

I had frozen in front of my door, confused as to why I could hear knocking – a foreboding feeling had settled in my gut after the sound continued for another minute. I hadn’t been expecting anyone, especially not after what had happened yesterday. 

Chloe was a clever girl, but she was dreadfully curious and it seemed as though she’d finally stuck her nose somewhere it didn’t belong. A single shot was all it took, nothing could have been done about it – mostly because nobody heard it. I live a floor below her and I hadn’t heard so much as a thud last night. 

After the knocking persisted for another minute I finally answered the door believing that it was most likely Ryan trying to figure out why Chloe’s room had been blocked off. He had always been a bit standoffish but they were close so I figured he might just be looking for a bit of closure. 


As bad as I felt for the guy, I couldn't understand why he would knock on my door for 6 minutes instead of trying someone else’s.

“Sorry for bothering you ma’am but I’d like to ask you a few questions about what you heard last night” 

He had an awfully polite start but I was curious to know just why he was asking me of all people. 

“Pretty sure the cops are there for a reason”  

“I know, and I'm sorry for intruding but I really need to know” 

Ryan was 28 and around 6’1” and cut an intimidating figure if you didn’t know him, he was wearing a black wife beater, a pair of knee length cargo shorts, and a silver chain that did nothing to help his fearsome stature. I couldn't just ignore his question even if I knew that he probably wouldn’t hurt me, the stain near the bottom of his shirt certainly didn’t help. 

I let loose a little breath before finally answering his question, “Nothing, I heard nothing”

He sighed before a broad smile took over his face, “Oh!That's great”

And then he left. He just smiled and then walked away like we were talking about the weather rather than his friend's murder. I chalked it up to him simply being in shock and closed the door after I watched him turn the corner. 

 I didn’t know what to make of the exchange, at least not until I saw him on the news. I’m planning on moving across the city, I don’t feel safe in my home anymore. 

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