The Spirits That Got Disturbed | Teen Ink

The Spirits That Got Disturbed

June 4, 2024
By cheyenneg1 BRONZE, Prospect, Connecticut
cheyenneg1 BRONZE, Prospect, Connecticut
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The sun had set, leaving the driveway down to the ranch with an extremely eerie glow.  Pulling down the lane, I felt a chill go down my spine. It was strangely soundless, normally there were some kinds of noises: either the gate was moving or the horses and cows were bawling. Nothing though. The wind howled through the trees until it hit the bottom of the driveway, then it went silent. Stepping out of my truck, it was noiseless, but I felt I was being watched and not by the animals. I felt like a person was watching me. But no one was there.

As I walked up the stairs,  the porch began to creak as if I was about to fall through it. I stepped to the door, but as I opened it, a gust of wind came through.  I stepped in and heard very unsettling noises like nails on a chalkboard, but no one was home and there were no animals in the house so I was told at least. I did a quick walk-through to close any windows that were opened, and I was going to close the windows. I felt like the walls were closing in on me as I walked through  the building. The air got heavier the closer I got to the basement. I turned around the corner to the basement door. As soon as I put my hand on the doorknob, I heard a bloody gruesome scream. The scream made me jump back and chills went down my spine. I walked back up to the door because I had to know what that room was. I opened the door and there was another door. That door was covered in cobwebs. I pushed the door open with my foot because I did not want to touch the door. I opened the door and stepped in slowly.

There was a rocking chair in the center of the room. The chair was swaying back and forth as if someone was sitting there. My heart was pounding the closer I got to it. I went to touch the chair and the wind blew out of nowhere. There are no windows in this room so where did the wind come from? The light began to flicker, then bang it went out and the door slammed shut. I panicked and grabbed my phone out of my pocket, turning the flashlight on as fast as I could, but my phone died so I backed away to the door that wouldn't open. I couldn't get out. There were three doors I tried, the first one nothing, the second one nothing, the third one opened, I ran out of the room, as I ran out of the room, I heard a voice “Come here Amanda, I don't want to hurt you, I want to play”. Who was Amanda and who was that voice?

I was terrified, shaken to the bone, and chills running through my body. I felt like spiders were crawling all over my body. I sat in the kitchen, looking down the hall where the basement was. The more I looked down the hall the more I got scared. 

I look around the kitchen looking at portraits of people. The more I looked at the photos the more I felt as though the eyes followed me. Their facial expressions seemed scared and shaken up. But this one photo caught my attention like no other photo. It was a young girl with pale skin, as white as a piece of white paper, and eyes almost as black as a Sharpie. Her lips were slightly open as if she was trying to communicate with me.  

 I reached to touch the photo “Get out of the house it's not safe”, the voice sounded like it was a little girl, I was frozen in fear for a minute, I finally looked at the photo her mouth was open wide, the frame broke and all you can hear was “RUN  GET OUT OF THE HOUSE NOW”. I hurried and grabbed my things. So much fear and adrenaline were rushing through my body. I fled the house and went into the barn where I felt a sigh of relief. Like what just happened never happened. I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and suddenly was fully charged. Something in the house wasn't right, I don't know what but something was not right.

I spent the rest of the night in the barn, I slept on the hay in one stall. 

The next morning I woke up in the barn, but I felt uneasy as though I was in the house all over again. I went outside, fed the animals, and left for the day. I planned to come back at the end of the night. I came back later that night.  Felt extremely uneasy. I walked into the barn again. An uneasy feeling washed over me, the air felt heavier than it did this morning. The walls felt like they were swaying. The wall was making creaking noises, adding to my uneasy feeling. The light in the barn began to flicker through the stalls and every wall. The barn was silent. The noise was me walking through the barn. I didn't feel uncomfortable because of how quiet it was but because I felt like I was getting watched again. With each step I took I felt like I was invading someone else's space. My heart was pacing and I looked around everywhere, asking if anyone was there. Yet no one responded. The barn felt like it was frozen in time. It held secrets that had never been told. The stories were being told to anyone who dared to listen to them. I could not help but wonder who else experienced what I have been experiencing, the past two days.

I felt like my imagination has just been playing tricks on me or inner beings were somehow trapped here and they can't get out so they just sit and watch out for every move. With chills running down my spine with every step I would take I had to get out of the barn. Something here was not right. I don't know what it is about this whole place but it's something. Something terrifying, something no one else should experience. Bobby was supposed to be back here tomorrow at 8 a.m. I made sure the horses and cows were taken care of and  I slept in my truck. I couldn't deal with it anymore.

This place wasn't right, I wonder if the animals felt this way too. I don't know why, but they looked happy. Why did I have to deal with this? First the driveway then the house and now the barn. Something is not right about this place. I decided to do some digging. I wanted to see what I could find online and in books about this place. Come to find out this place was built on Indian burial grounds. That explains part of it. That's why no one else would take this job. I thought it was because of the animals. I figured people didn't know how to take care of the animals. Nope, it was because they did their digging and I didn't. I wish I had known this beforehand, I would have turned the job down. No one is supposed to disturb Indian burial grounds because it is extremely disrespectful and it is known to be haunted and can become dangerous because of the spirits. The spirits and people buried there are still there.  

I will never stay here again, I can't do it. I don't even think I can stay for the last night. It's too creepy, I'm being watched, I didn't mean no harm, I was just here to do a job. But somehow I caused the spirits to act up and haunt me. I called Bobby, and I told him I couldn't stay here tonight but the animals were taken care of.

  “Why?” he asked. 

“I never knew this place was on Indian burial grounds, I disturbed the spirits and creepy things are going on”, I said.

I got in my truck and left, not looking back. I never drove off, not looking back as fast as I could. I left and never planned to look back. I'm never coming back, no matter what unless I am taking the horses that are there. I never plan to stay longer than an hour. I hate that place, it was Terrifying.

The author's comments:

I am a 17 year old girl who lives on their family's ranch, and I work as a diesel mechanic. I love to write and express myself a little through writing

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