Tamara's Plans | Teen Ink

Tamara's Plans

June 5, 2024
By Anonymous

As a Milano, I always stared into the mirror with a funny look because I believed the truth was on the other side. Little did I know it was something but it wasn't what I expected. Then I met my doppelganger Tamara, a twin of my appearance but devoid of my aura. Growing up as mixed-race girls with light skin, curly hair, and brown eyes, Tamara and I shared more than just physical similarities. We shared a bond that transcended blood, a bond built on trust and loyalty. Or so I thought.

It was a crisp autumn day and I was taking my dog on his afternoon walk. Usually during the afternoon, I like to go to my favorite cafe while we're out. But today when we showed up i stumbled upon Tamara unexpectedly. At first, I brushed it off as a mere coincidence. But when she started to show up every time I was at the cafe I got suspicious. I had to know what was going on with this girl and why she was following me. As I approached Tamara at the door she smirked. it sent chills down my spine. her eyes gleamed at me. I could sense something was wrong. 

Ignoring my instincts I engaged in some small talk but her answers to my questions were so accurate, it's like she has been studying my every move for years. At this point, I was uneasy because I noticed little differences in her behavior, but they were so hard to see it was almost impossible to tell us apart. she intimidated my mannerisms, making me feel as if I was watching myself. 

Days passed and Tamara began to manipulate my friends and family and they failed to notice. Their trust in me began to fade away. I feel as lonely as ever. I'm desperate to find a way to get my identity back. I am going to find out the reasoning behind Tamara's motives. But the more I looked into Tamara and her past the blurrier the lines between deception and reality became. It seemed as if she erased every trace of my existence, she took my place in this world and now I feel as if I no longer belong.

One evening, as the sun did below the horizon, casting Long Shadows across my room, 

I found an old photograph of Tamara and me. we were at a summer camp, laughing, with our arms around each other. It was then that I realized Tamara had been in my life much longer than I had intentionally thought. she had been lurking in the background, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. This was only deep in my urge to confront her. 

As I thought about the evil forces at hand, one single question crossed my mind. How could I expose Tamara without destroying the life I worked so hard to build? With each moment passing the stakes grew higher, leading to the final confrontation that will determine the fate of both of us. I spent sleepless nights contemplating plans to outsmart her. Every idea I came up with was useless because she anticipated my every move, staying one step ahead at all times.

With a heavy heart and a sense of doom, i prepare myself to face Tamara for the final showdown. You could feel the tension in the air, as we stood locked in a battle of wills each refusing to back down. But as the truth threatened to unravel, I couldn't help but wonder if this was the beginning of my downfall of the key to the truth.  

The Showdown took place in the Heart of the City, and the bustling Square where we used to meet as kids. Surrounded by people who had no idea of the silent War going on between us, we stood face to face. I demanded answers, my voice trembling with a mix of fear and anger. Tamara's response was cold, revealing her desire to take over my life completely. Anger fueled my actions as I tried to gather evidence of her fraud. I set up cameras, recorded our conversations, and reached out to old friends who might remember the real me. but Tamara is always one step ahead.

The day came when I discovered Tamara's secret lair, hidden in an abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of town. inside, I found a wall covered in photographs, notes, and timelines. a document sitting on the table of her plan to replace me.  I knew it was my chance I gathered the evidence and prepared to expose her once and for all.

 The confrontation in the warehouse was intense. Tamara and I circled each other, our identical faces reflected in the same fierce determination. She launched at me, but I managed to dodge and,  in the chaos, I revealed the evidence I had collected. for a moment it seemed like I had won. But Tamara One last trick up her sleeve.

With her Sinister smile, she pulled out a blinding light device. 

The next thing I knew I was waking up in a hospital bed, surrounded by my confused friends and family.  As I lay in the hospital bed I knew this was far from over. Tamara was still out there, looking in the shadows, waiting for the perfect moment to strike again. The Battle of my identity was just the beginning.

The author's comments:

i wrote this in creative writing class

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