July 27, 2024
By Oma-lakshi BRONZE, Moratuwa, Other
Oma-lakshi BRONZE, Moratuwa, Other
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Ice-cold fluffy bedsheets contacting my body adding comfort with living softness in it, talking to my soul to go better in deep sleep when the; big old lamp of telephone with carved quaint rang near my left ear lobe giving the only discomfort during my slumber towards dawn when I wake up and answered the mysterious call.

It said "meet you there" and a decline giving thirst to me.

Just looked my way up in the kitchen trying to take the stored thirst outside from my throat. When all at once I rewined myself to my room where I was passing the living room which was situated just in front of the entrance; where I saw the quiet-square window when a dark figure was holding an axe dripping -it's blood- in my eyes. I ran near the figure in the window and appalled my self and, was finding for my telephone( not the one in the room) and dialed the number which is useful the most.

"Hope you were finding a help from our service, let us know the reason" said the telephone.

"I am being subjected to an embarrassing moment here, HELP!, HELP!" i screamed

"Yes sir, calm down and specify" relaxed me

"there's something unusual here officer" I shared my details with it and declined the conversation.

When I just gazed back upon the window it smelt bad and figure was not more blocking the shadow of moon-light alarming to check the atmosphere around the black dreams. I opened the window with "squek" at the right corner in the window-holder.

"Anybody out there" I asked the souls standing on my well-maintained sheet of lush passing melancholy below the grounds of lush growing more and more into the deepest of another press in the telephone.

It sounds a "whoah" of crushing wind in gusts going against the tall flower persisting with its brawny base nor it's friends.

I kept my nostalgic eyes towards the unusual figure...

It was blank out there no crashing sounds, no crashing winds, no freaking souls of dark. Tho there was nothing as if it's being seemed to be which moved my hand in the liver when I closed the window of mysterious enclosure where all these wore just locked in the box of word "GHOST" where it appeared back when I closed it. And I opened it back to check towards the unconsciousness. And it appeared with a knock in the big-Boom door with nine squares straight down. I got to be a statue and gazed at the dark figure.

Dark skin with light shade fired up with red gas. Hanging over the body of black with a hoek like nose; wrinkled skin which is being barley seen through the light-brown glass of window passing a lower volume of specs of light blocking the light flow with it's caught axe.

I opened the door.

It was the police service I called and totally nor partially forgot about it and was advising me keeping the topic on depression where I was taking medicines for.

The author's comments:

This is a piece of fiction(something false). Where this writing might concentrate the horror field in the readers mind and will rise emotions for every single word just by themself. 


-A piece of writing by a student in srilanka, still learning in grade 8

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