Down by the Bay | Teen Ink

Down by the Bay

August 27, 2024
By juelzcole BRONZE, Montgomery, Pennsylvania
juelzcole BRONZE, Montgomery, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A little girl named Isla and her younger sister Amelia sat in their run down living room playing with hand-me-down toys. “Supper is ready girls!” their mother called from the kitchen. After the girls had tidied up they made their way to the rotting wooden table. Their mother brought out a plate of toast and a bowl of beef stew. “Mother, after we eat, can we go play outside with the neighbors?” Isla asked her mother hopefully. “Of course, just be back soon.” Once the sisters had finished eating they ran outside and made their way down to the bay their mother had forbidden them from going to. 

The girls descended down the dark and mysterious path. Once they made it to the bay, Isla knelt down and ran her fingers through the water. “Isn’t it so gorgeous? I wonder why mother never lets us come down here.” Amelia shrugged. “I don't know. Anyways, wanna play tag?” “Sure!” As the girls chased each other around, Isla heard crunching leaves and sticks breaking. “Do you hear that?” Isla asked. “Yeah…can we go home? I'm scared ""Whatever, crybaby, let’s go.” As the girls walked back home they saw a tall figure out of the corner of their eye. They quickly turned around and saw a tall figure standing there staring at them. Not just a regular person, it was something unreal. They stood there for a while until the figure started chasing them. “Run!” Once they reached the end of the path to the bay, suddenly the creature disappeared. 

They ran back to the house and even though they had lied to their mother, they were so scared they ended up telling her what had happened. “Girls! Have I not told you to not go down there before? I am very disappointed. This is all in your imagination. That is what that place does to you. Now what do I always sing to you girls?” their mother disciplined. “Down by the bay, where the watermelons rot, if you go home, just don’t get caught, for if you do, my mother will say, have you ever seen a bear eating a hare down by the bay?”  The girls sang in a monotone voice. So were the young sisters just imagining things? Did they really see what they saw? And will lying to their mother haunt them for the rest of their lives?

The author's comments:

This is a short story about two young sisters who encounter a terrifying mysterious figure.

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