Dark Nights | Teen Ink

Dark Nights

August 28, 2024
By zzz__ BRONZE, Lake Nebagamon, Wisconsin
zzz__ BRONZE, Lake Nebagamon, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Monsters are real, and ghosts are real too. They live inside us, and sometimes, they win." - Stephen King

It was Halloween night. The wind was blowing into my face, while my body was being dragged down from the massive amount of candy I’d collected that night. I loved Halloween; what better way to spend it than a pillowcase full of candy?

The sidewalk collided with my shoes, making a deep scraping sound. All around me I heard kids laughing with their friends, talking about which candy to trade, or what houses gave the best candy. But that night, I was all alone. I didn’t have any friends, none of my classmates ever bothered to speak to me. Except for one.

Unfortunately, I heard Tommy Millner say, “Lou! Where are you going?” I did everything in my power to avoid him tonight, how did he spot me? This street was crowded and I was walking faster than ever.

“I’m going home. You should too, It’s getting late.” I pulled my bag of candy closer to my shoulder. I had plans that couldn’t be interrupted tonight. Tommy began walking side by side with me, he had an old scar dragging from his cornea to his left nostril, his shaggy hair barely covered it up. Tommy had a slight smell coming from him, like skunk mixed with rotting berries, because of this, I moved away from him in hopes he would get the hint.

“You know what we should do? Go down to that old cliff near Sylvia Forest.” Tommy chuckled deeply, he didn’t seem to understand that I didn’t want to hang out with him, or maybe he did know that and chose to ignore it. I tightened my grip on my colorful bag, which was polka dotted with red, orange, and purple. In the process of me ignoring him, he just kept talking and talking.

“Jeez Lou, you should really take a shower sometime, you smell like my basement!” Tommy said, when in reality he was smelling himself.

“Let’s head down to that cliff you mentioned earlier, I’m feeling breezy.”


Now, we were walking up the mountain that headed to the cliff. Tommy was talking about how he’d been here a “million times” with his dad. Eventually he finally said something that sparked my interest.

“Hey, wanna race?” I never got an opportunity to answer because he ran off the moment he said it. This was my chance. I walked towards Tommy, I wasn’t in a rush, I would take my time with this. With him. I could faintly hear Tommys laugh before I swung my polka dotted bag at him, leaving him breathless and on the cold, wet, ground. 

“Lou!--” I hit him again. And again, and again, I hit him until my bag was disgraced with his blood, until the candy started spilling out from the rips. I left the candy bag beside him, he deserved to have something from this horrendous night. After that I walked towards the edge of the cliff. It was a big drop, but I knew it was worth it.

I jumped.

The author's comments:

I don't think I'm gonna win or anything I just wanna say I tried. I also don't know if this should go into poetry/article or book/novel.

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