Fire and ice | Teen Ink

Fire and ice

October 9, 2009
By Tarah BRONZE, Auroura, Colorado
Tarah BRONZE, Auroura, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The day I killed my sister’s boyfriend, I had planted roses in the backyard the yellow and pink ones. I thought that they would hide the fact that there’s a dead person’s body under them. His death was quite fascinating, no noise on the outside but screams of terror on the in. He started out here, at my house, then, he was gone. Right in the backyard in front of our kitchen window.

After a while when I came home from the library , my mother and sister, both had asked me where I had been and if I had seen JJ a .k .a her boy friend. I replied I was out returning some books and that JJ was just simply gone. They looked at me with blank faces as if they were stupid and didn’t here me. They were so not like me if it wasn’t materialistic it wasn’t worth hearing. But me I watch every move you make and listen to everything you say, and that’s how JJ ended up where he is in the cold hard dirt.

A few days later my mother decided to walk thru my room, she found my trophy more like my murder tool. She was at the kitchen table, crying when I walked in I was thinking about what she was thinking but I didn’t spend too much time on that. So I started pacing myself to my room when she asked me what happen I smiled and told her I did a favor.

My mother called my sister to come home and then the authorities. I explained what went on that brisk morning. I had said that “ he wasn’t good enough he failed classes, he crushed people and he was just another person that made no difference.” While I explained all this I couldn’t help but to smile and giggle some.

You may still wonder why I killed him and really, truthfully it was for my thrill and his good. Because of my so called crime and innocence I have to live in this little white, square room with no books, no art and no yellow and pink roses.

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