Pretty Lady | Teen Ink

Pretty Lady

January 6, 2010
By Anonymous

I was running away from them, as fast as I could. I kept on yelling for help, hoping that anybody would hear me out and lend me a hand; in order to get me out of this place. I didn’t know how I even got here; the first thing that I noticed when I opened my eyes was that I had been captured and trapped inside a cell. Nothing could be recalled, and no one to asked for help, that only things that I heard were cries, yells, begging and most of all an horrifying song echoing onto the hallways. My window was broken making an exit for me, didn’t hesitate and jumped off, lading hard onto the ground. It was night outside, cold and everything was green, appearing like a green forest, into some place else, I shook it all away and started to run .As my legs were starting to surrender, ache was everywhere in my whole entire body. Kept on panting loud and quicker, suddenly I fell down into the muddy ground, my mouth falling right in the green grass; a disgusting bitter olive taste came to me. I stood up fast, but a pain went through my left leg, I must have broken it when I came down hard and thumped against the rock. As I tried to stand up, I heard it once again.
“Make it out of Flesh and Blood,
Flesh and Blood,
Flesh and Blood,
Make it out of Flesh and Blood,
My Fair Lady~”
It was that song, that horrifying song again. Shivers came through my spine, sweat dripped down from my forehead. I looked around for anything in the ground, there must be something for me to use. I spotted a rock, I crawled towards it, and making sure I wouldn’t damage my wounded leg anymore, I kept glancing back at it to see if it was alright. Just about a few more inches and I would have reached for it, but it was that song!
“Make it out of Flesh and Blood,
Flesh and Blood,
Flesh and Blood,
Make it out of Flesh and Blood,
My Fair Lady~”
I looked behind me; there was no one, but this time it sounded loud enough to be right next to me. Nothing was there, so when I made sure of my surrounding, I went back to what I was doing, a crimson red dress was right in front of me, adorned with ruby red roses. My breathing stopped, I didn’t dare to look at the person’s face, and I was only able to stare at the dress.
“You can never return to your wonderful place, ever again~” A sweet little voice was heard, my heart skipped faster and faster. Before I even knew it, tears came running down from my eyes; fear got me.
“Tell me young man, tell me your name~” she asked me, I carefully said my name to her.
“My name is Nathan, Nathan Milaciano.” I said in a low whisper.
A giggled I received, the imitation of little chiming bells. Then she steps on my right hand with her high leather boots, numbing my hand.
“Nathan, I like that name. It’s too bad that I have to…” she stopped for a second, “well I guess we have to find out sooner or later on what I’m going to do with you. Isn’t that right Nathan~” she said, I could tell by her tone of voice she was trilled. That alone made me wants to cut her in half, see how much I would get that much trilled out of her.
Stupid as I would, I’m so scared that I was sure that any minute now my death would come to me, I will leave this world in the most painful way, murdered by a little girl appeared not older than ten years old.
“Make it out of Flesh and Blood,
Flesh and Blood,
Flesh and Blood,
Make it out of Flesh and Blood,
My Fair Lady~”
That stupid song again! How I hate that song, especially the person that was singing it. I dared to glance at my left side, where the singing was coming from. It was so dark at night; I was able to sight the figure, sitting on the large tree branch.
There he was wearing his stupid clown make up; he had small tear drops painted on his high cheek bones. Staring at me with those jade eyes of his, showing no emotion what so ever, just tracing my every movement and perhaps my emotions as well. He was wearing a white tuxedo, blue horizontal lines along with it and those stupid indigo pants of his, with white circles for decoration.
“Stop looking at me you son of a b*tch!” I yelled, not caring that the little girl might be angry with me, seems to me that she belongs to him; she was his doll.

“You piece of sh*t!! You get pleasure just by looking at me don’t you? Disgusting! What did I ever do to you, huh!? I don’t want this!” my emotions was getting the better of me, I let out everything before it was my time to go.
“Don’t speak that way to him, filthy human.” I snapped out of my mind and looked at her. She was wearing cherry pink lipstick; very pale looking as if she had no warmth in her body at all. Glaring at me with those deep azure eyes, her hair stopped right on her shoulders, she touched her hair faintly.
“Just shut up. You voice is annoying, there is no melody to it.” She said, and then gave me a tiny smile. She glanced at the guy sitting on the branch.
“Didn’t you wanted to do something to him before I killed him, master?” she said.
He jumped off the place he was and bit by bit made his way to us, he wasn’t looking at me at all. When his feet where a few centimeters apart, he spoke.
“Step away from him Alice. You’ll get dirty.” She did what he told her to do, releasing my hand I tried to protect myself. He picked me up, as if it was nothing, his cold hands holding me by my neck.
He still only stared at me, my eyes with his. Then he reached for my lips, tracing them with his coldness thumb.
“You’ll look more beautiful when it’s all covered by your blood, my dear.” He said, he pressed his lips against mine, a revolting kiss. It had no warm in them and not only that but the taste of his fake white makeup sudden started to come off from his lips and that where I saw it. He was made out of wood, the ruthless hard touch was noticeable and not only that but as I tried to pull away from him, I forgot that the little girl was behind still behind me.
“Bye-bye Nathan, don’t worry. Master Soul will revive you once as again as perfect puppet, and once you do, lets play lots, and lots with master~” Alice said. With the corner of my eyes, from what I could see was a heavy axe. Soaked with blood, and yet still dripping from the sharp edges, she gave me a giggle and swung the heavy axe far behind her and returned it with s rapid speed. My head was still holding on by him, holding me possessively on my cheeks as my neck dripping blood on top of the rest of my body that was now left behind onto the ground, nothing seemed to be helping at all, then everything turned pitch black,. The only thing that I could hear was not my last cry, but the sweet song by him.
“Make it out of Flesh and Blood,
Flesh and Blood,
Flesh and Blood,
Make it out of Flesh and Blood,
My Fair Lady~”

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