Ghost | Teen Ink


March 1, 2010
By Alphy BRONZE, Muskegon, Michigan
Alphy BRONZE, Muskegon, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The air was heavy and full of haze. Then the two kids Jim and Larry exited their black Volkswagen Passat. The crisply clear gloomy night was epitomized by the eerie light of the full moon. As they crept across the silent blades of grass of the lawn there was not a sound amongst the arid air of the night except for the occasional sound of an owl’s hoot. Once they reached the house they were ready to explore. The old house had eighteenth century architecture which had not been maintained for years. It had many windows black as the beady eyes of a serpent. All the paint had been chipped and worn away. The house was concealed back in the woods all alone with no neighboring buildings or houses in sight. All that was around for miles were leafless trees that seemed as old as the house they surrounded. When the boys reached the front porch every step they took made the floorboards creak. There was no doorbell and the boys were positive no human lived there, or at least in this realm of being. Upon this knowledge they helped themselves to the doorknob and made their way inside as the door creaked almost unendingly to open. In the instant they both simultaneously clicked on their heavy duty flashlights to light up the entry way they saw something scurry away into the dark abyss of the house. This made them both jump back a few feet. With great determination and fear which caused their flashlights to tremble they slowly made their way through the house and into the living room. Everything was extremely dusty and cobwebs filled many nooks and crannies of the old spooky house. Then the boys crept into the kitchen area of the house while whispering their thoughts to each other. Once there they heard the raspy crackling voice of an old colonial woman say, “Get ouuuuuut of house!” The boys ran faster than they ever have out of the house they way they came in. They sprinted to the car and peeled out never ever to return to the old haunted house again. The front door slammed behind them as they left without any seen force shutting it. As they sped away the howl of a wolf is heard in the distance and the full moon to end the story….

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