The Fun House | Teen Ink

The Fun House

October 25, 2011
By Nancy_Minyanou SILVER, Wappingers Falls, New York
Nancy_Minyanou SILVER, Wappingers Falls, New York
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Walking home from Tiffany's was my least favorite part of her parties. As I walked, admiring the songs of nature's symphony, the air suddenly became eerily cool and a low blowing breeze kicked up newly fallen leaves. I had wandered into a neighborhood in which I was unfamiliar, daydreaming got the best of me.

Some shutters smacked shut, the trees began to violently shake and the clouds that once hid the moon scurried out of view. A sudden urge to walk faster pushed me forward. A broken window allowed a glimpse into a room of a home where a dull red orb of light pulsated, luring me closer. Without a thought, I gazed into it, the enticing, soothing, light drew in all of my senses like smoke to a fan. Time stood still as the light begged to me to stay a while. An equally dull pain hit with ferocity on the back of my skull, with a mind numbing crack. As I laid flat, I caught a glimpse of the lower half of a large figure and my sight faded into a still black.

As soon as I regained my wits, I knew I was no longer in the comfort of the red light. Engulfed in a thick darkness, I could not tell up from down. Restrained to the wall, panic rose from the pit of my stomach as I fought the chains, a losing battle. A loud creak, a few rays of light, and a some footsteps later, a presence much larger than mine was before me. The cold body stood close, our breathe in sync. Terror held me still as a face came close. The aroma of damp and dying corpses filled my lungs. A few hushed words were whispered:
"Welcome to the Fun House."

The author's comments:
This was a 300 or less story written for an English class.

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