Shopping List | Teen Ink

Shopping List

May 15, 2012
By kali berry BRONZE, Fayettevile, Arkansas
kali berry BRONZE, Fayettevile, Arkansas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

He walked down the grocery store’s isle, the dim yellow lights flickering, and his rusty cart creaking with every inch. He drops some batteries haphazardly into the cart’s basket. He walks with slow determined steps, silent, and with a bored expression on his face. Bananas, check, chocolate milk, check. Now all that’s left are the duct tap and the scissors.
He slowly walks down the empty isle, his cart creaking heavily. A woman, not watching where she is going, bumps into him.
“Oh gosh!, Sorry sir!” the woman says, a little frazzled. He only gives the woman a tired smirk before he continues on his way, ignoring the frazzled woman trying to get his attention. He’s now gotten everything he needs and heads towards the checkout line. He slowly places each item on the belt.
“Would you like paper or plastic sir?” asks the overly cheery cashier.
“Doesn’t matter” he says in a bored tone. The woman takes his money, then happily hands him back his change.
“Have a great day sir!”
He lets out a deep sigh and gives her a regretful look. He then reaches inside his coat pocket, as if for a handkerchief, and in possibly the fastest movement made by man, the man pulls out a shiny black pistol. Bang. A single bullet shot to the once sprightly cashiers head. Her body now lays lifeless on the peeling linoleum floor. A woman in the background starts screaming hysterically. The man calmly puts the gun pack in his coat pocket and wipes of a few stray blood splatters from his face. And with the same weary expression, he slowly walks out of the store with his groceries but not before turning around with a satisfied smile and cheekily saying, “I hope you have a nice day too!”

The author's comments:
nothing like a little horror to make your day a little brighter :)

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