After Zaroff | Teen Ink

After Zaroff

November 1, 2012
By Anonymous

Rainsford had never slept so peacefully the night he took care of the harsh, dark eyed Zaroff. The bed was as soft as a cloud to him, and even though he just killed his second human he felt completely okay, because he didn’t see Zaroff or Ivan as human beings. He slept in a little late that morning, but after being hunted for a few days, and done incredible but tiring things to survive he needed it. Now since the sun had been risen for quite some time now, and afternoon was creeping up, Rainsford decided to awake from his slumber, and begin to get to work. It had been few days since Rainsford had fallen off the safety of his ship and into the eerie waters the surrounded Ship Trap Island, and his fellow crew mates had probably been searching for him, but Rainsford needed to get off the island and return to home, so he decided to do what he could to speed up the process of being found.

Rainsford’s first step was to lock up all the weaponry on the island accept for his which he decided to keep on him at all time, then lock up all the island’s hunting dogs, and then to release the Zaroff’s prisoners and convince them to help him civilize the island and build signal fires, and his next step was to wait to be found. He went to look everywhere for any weapons he could find, which there weren’t too many on the island. When he was done patrolling for weapons he had come across a sword, Zaroff’s and Ivan’s revolvers, Zaroff’s hunting weapons, a sword, a stash of hunting knives, a club, and a bunch of ammunition. Afterwards he locked up all the weaponry in Zaroff’s old tower, which now was his. Rainsford then descended down to the dungeons to see the prisoners.

When he got to the dungeons, Rainsford reached for the two sets of keys he found while he was searching for weapons. After searching through the rings of keys, and checking which one fit the lock, he paid attention to the prisoners for the first time, all seven looked weak with fear, and very frightened, and they seemed nervous. The room reeked of must, and it was poorly lit, giving the room a trapped feeling, but Rainsford managed to clear his throat, and gather up his confidence. He then began to speak, without knowing if they could even understand him, “Hello my name is Rainsford.” Was his first words to them, and then he began to explain the whole story with Zaroff, and where they were, what this island is, and his plan to help all of them leave this island. “I believe if we all work together we can be rescued, but first we need to build signal fires around the island, and make it more suitable for all of us to stay here, but we all have to work together to accomplish this, everyone agree?” Rainsford boldly asked.

A boisterous “Yes Rainsford!” responded the hopeful and eager prisoners. After a couple of days had passed on the island, Rainsford and the seven others had already started to improve Ship Trap Island to look more like civilization. The castle had been improved, with everyone having a chamber to sleep in, a daily schedule was created, and the newly kindled signal fires danced and flickered through the air. They all worked harder than they ever have in their lives and got little sleep, because of their determination. Everyone got along well on the island, and they all began to trust one another, even though the horrible traumatizing that Zaroff and Ivan had put all of them through. Rainsford contributing the island by hunting the animals that Zaroff had put on the island, and them giving them to one of the seven that knew how to cook from being an old chef back on his crew.

One day when Rainsford was out hunting, he climbed one of the tall trees in the forest to scout out for game. His eyes scanned the forest like a hawk and he gripped his revolver incase he needed to fire hastily at spotted prey. He was by one of the booming signal fires, and could hear the crackle of the fire, and see the smoke spin around in spirals. Rainsford gazed off into the deep horizon and saw the sun light up the dark sea, but he also saw something else. It had his interest for awhile so he paid even keener attention to it, it was a spec now but looked like a white rectangle. As it got closer he realized the rectangle now was shaping out to be a boat, a very familiar boat, and he could see people on it now, one looked very close to Whitney, and Rainsford realized all was well again, and he began to close his eyes, and breathe in the satisfaction.

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