Car Ride | Teen Ink

Car Ride

November 15, 2012
By JillyJ77 BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
JillyJ77 BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“Sweet Caroline…, bum bum bum good times never felt so good, So good! So good! So good!”
“Haha I love that song sweetie.” Mike and Katie screamed at each other with excitement.
“That’s our song,” Katie exclaimed with more excitement.
“I can’t wait to get to Crossville Tennessee to visit your grandparents for the weekend.” joy burst from Mike.
“I know me either,” Katie said.
Mike looked around and saw a plain empty felid with dried out crops. “Where do your grandparents live? In the middle of no where?”
“Haha yeah they kind of do why do you ask?”
“I don’t know I haven’t seen a house in the last hour.”
“Well there will be in a little just keep driving and don’t worry about it”

As the car started to shake and rattle and finally die out Mike started to ask a question “What the hell?”
“What’s wrong?” Katie asked
“The car just died out of no where.”
“Were we almost out of gas?”
“I don’t believe so I had almost a half of tank left.”
“Then what happen?”
“I don’t know!”
“Okay stop yelling.” Katie yelled back at me
“All right what do we do then?” Katie also asked me.
“Well I guess we could call your mom and dad.”
“I already tried there is no cell phone reception.”
“Well what do we do?”
Mike was looking around to look at anything, and then he saw a light “what’s that light over there?”
“That is a motel/gas station! There I see it to.”
“Well that’s a weird place to have one.” Mike second guessed himself.
“Its our only chance to get gas and fix our car, we need it right?”
“Yeah I guess.”
“Okay let’s get out and start pushing it over there.” Katie demanded.
When they finally got there they went to see who was there
“Hello? Hello?” A man approached him as they asked that question. With a grin on his face,
He said, “You guys are the only customers that I have had for a while.”
“Haha wouldn’t surprise me; you guys have this place in the middle of no where.”
“Yeah we are the only gas station for about another 100 miles or so, so I guess you’re in luck.” Katie gave me a nudge and a smile as he said that.
“Well how long will it take to fix a car here,” Mike asked.
“About a night, You guys are going to have to stay here for the night if that’s all right with you.” He grinned sheepishly. Me and Katie looked at each other and agreed yes.
“Well get your stuff out of the car and I can fix it over night.” We got our stuff out of the car and followed the guy to the check in of the motel. He gave them the keys with the room number 13 on it.
When he handed them the keys he wouldn’t let go for a second. His eyes meet his eyes but the guy with a ratty mustache had a devious glare to them, he finally let go and when he did he said goodnight.
They walked outside to the room. As soon as they walked in the room it looked like a normal room a little dirty, but it would do. Mike looked at the bathroom and everything seemed fine.
“This place isn’t that bad,” said Katie.
“Yeah I know it’s not bad at all, We just have to sleep in it for one night so what could go wrong?”
“Yeah I guess.” When Mike was looking out the window he thought he saw something, like a human in the bushes but he thinks he was hallucinating but as he squinted his eyes and looked closer and closer he saw a noose, All the way in the bushes with a guy standing by it. He opened the door to go look at it, but when He stepped two feet out the door before he herd the guy with the ratty mustache.
“Hello guys!”
“Holy crap man you just scared me half to death.” Mike said as he was catching his breath.
“Oh my bad, I was just going to ask if you guys are set on everything.”
“Yeah I think will be good.”
He looked at me with that ratty mustache and flat top hair cut, grinned and said, “Well goodnight.”
“Wait I have a question.”
“Yeah, what is it?”
“What’s over in the woods over there?” we both looked over there and now there was nothing, nothing at all.
“What?” he said
“Never mind have a good night then, Jim is it?”
“Yeah, how did you know.”
“Name tag, you have on there.”
“Oh your right haha, well have a goodnight also.”
When he shut the door Mike locked it right away. He looked out the window one more time to see if it was over there, It wasn’t. He tried to forget about it and just go to bed for the night.
“Time for bed sweetie.” Katie whispered to me.
As I was getting nice and cozy under the covers I saw a tape on top of the TV that said “bed time.” Mike took a look at the tape and finally put it in the TV. It started off with the room they were in, it was filming just their room. It was all black and white. Mike took a seat on the end of the bed. Then three girls entered the room with luggage as if they were staying the night like them. Then when they were about to go to bed three guys with masks on entered the room and stared to rape the girls and finally ended up killing them. At the end of the video it said goodnight sweetie.
“What the hell was that mike!” Katie screamed
“I don’t know, I just saw it laying on the TV and just wanted to play it.”
“Let’s get out of here.” Katie yelled at me
“With what car? We don’t have a car and I didn’t think I saw one out there.”
“Let’s call the cops.”
“We don’t have cell phone reception.”
“Check the phone over there.”
Katie typed in a few numbers “It works!”
“Okay, call the cops first.”
When Katie was calling the cops all she herd “911 what’s your emergency?” the only words that go out of her mouth were “help.” then snip that phone was cut by something or just lost connection.
“I tried to call them but I lost connection.”
“Okay well we have to figure this out on our own then.”
Mike plugged the video back in and watched it again. He tried to see any clues or anything he could. When he looked closer he saw that one of the guys came in through the bathroom. It was a quick second that he saw him but I did. he creped to the bathroom to see what was in it Mike looked around and saw a small window in it big enough for a baby to fit threw, so I thought he couldn’t get in this way but then he stepped on something and it squeaked. It was under a dirty old rug. He lifted up the rug and pulled this piece of wood. It was a tunnel. He put the wood back and walked back to the room. Mike whispered to Katie
“Whatever we do, they can see us.”
Katie looked at me in shock.
When she looked at me a cop pulled in.
“I thought you said you lost connection.” Mike said confused
“I did but now we are saved.”
The guy with the ratty mustache went to go talk to the cops.
“Is there a problem officer?”
“Yeah I got a call that someone said help or something so I just traced the call over here.” The cop said to the guy
“I haven’t herd of anything sir, I haven’t had a costumer for months.”
“Let’s go.” Katie said to me.
We sprinted out the door as fast as we could and started yelling help. Right when we did that the cop looked over at us for a second tried to pull out his gun but the guy with the ratty mustache pulled out a .45 desert eagle first and exploded his whole head, the cop just dropped in the dust..
“You obviously don’t know the game!” he yelled at us.
We ran as fast as we could back in side, as we were running I saw about twelve different guys with mask on lurking from the woods. We got in and I locked the door behind us.
“What the hell was that?!” Katie yelled at me.
“I don’t know but look.”
Now there were at least twelve different guys with masks on coming toward us now and probably more hiding. The guy with the ratty mustache was gone now. All I could think of in my mind was the video. I said to Katie
“They can see us, they have video on us. We have to cover those cameras.”
“Well where are they?” Katie asked
“From that tape they were in these two corners over here.”
I jumped up on a chair that was placed by the T.V and looked for the cameras. I saw one on the top corner, it was a inch big. You would never notice it but I did. BAMM! I smashed it with my hand than I did the same thing to the other side.
“you guys are smart.” I herd a voice projected over the room.
“now you guys have one up on me, I can’t see you.”
“why are you doing this.” I asked him
“hahahahahaha.” Is all herd in reply to my question.
“we need a weapon.” I said to Katie.
Mike pondered around the room and looked for a weapon. Than He went to the bathroom and looked at the mirror, I smashed it. He took a huge chunk of the broken mirror and attached it to the shower thing that hangs the curtain with a part of some of my clothes.
“Now we have a spear.” Mike looked at Katie and smiled.
I went to look at the window by the door and now there were no one.
Now back at the bathroom, and Mike saw the floor moving. He knew exactly ware they were coming from.
“Katie be quite.” They turned off all the lights and you could hear a cricket outside if you wanted to. They saw the board pop up and a pair of eyes look threw the crack and say
“There is no one in here.”
“just go up there.” Mike and Katie herd another voice say.

As soon as the first guy came up I stuck the spear in the first guy’s juggler. Then closed the hatch, dead. Took what ever I could from him then I found this huge knife and handed to Katie. That’s all I found on him. The next guy popped up and stared at me as Katie slit his throat.
There was no one left Mike thought, or at least he could see. He thought they were clear for now just him and Katie like they wanted it to be. “MIKE!” I herd Katie say, it was too late. There was someone else and he got him, stabbed his dagger right into my side, blood spurted everywhere on him. Mike stuck my spear into his throat before he could finish the job. Mike just laid there for a life time or at least if felt like it. He began to see white light, it wasn’t a normal white light It had a little bit of every color in it than He saw this angle.
“Mike.” It keeps saying
“Mike.” He couldn’t here what else she was trying to say she had flowers all around her and a halo on top of her head.
“Mike wake up!” he herd it. Mike snapped back to reality. That angle calling his name was Katie with tears crawling down her face.
“what can I do?”
“Go get some clothes from my suitcase or yours and wrap them around my body to stop the bleeding.”
“Okay, hurry!” Katie rushed over to the suitcases to get some clothes.
“Wrap them! Wrap them!” okay, now what?
Mike didn’t know what to do. He knew that there were at least eight more guys after us and he knew that he was weak, but he also knew that we had a advantage over them, they couldn’t see us so we had to out smart them.
“Katie give me a part of your shirt.”
“shhhhh quite down, they can here us” Mike whispered to Katie
“Because I am going to hang it over the window to act like you went out it and ran off.” Mike said to her. Mike could barley stand, but he knew he had to get out of here. He hooked a piece of her clothing over the window that was big enough for a baby to get threw.
“Mike I couldn’t fit though that.” Katie whispered at mike.
“That’s the point babe, they are to dumb to realize that. I want you to go hide under the bed and just wait for more to come through the vent and when they do don’t say anything.”
“What are you going to do?” Katie looked at me in sorrow.
“I am going to sneak out side and try to get the cops gun.”
“Okay baby I love you.” Katie said to Mike with a kiss on the forehead.
Mike limped out the door while Katie was laying there under the bed waiting. Katie heard a thump. This was the moment of truth Katie thought to herself. A man popped his head up fast. He saw blood everywhere and thought that someone was dead. Then he looked to the window. “damn it!” the girl escaped out the damn window.
“well where is the guy?” Katie herd one voice say to the other.
“he must of went out the door.”

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