A Gift To Be Shared | Teen Ink

A Gift To Be Shared

December 10, 2012
By ScarletBlossom123 BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
ScarletBlossom123 BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"If you love two people at the same time, choose the second. Because if you truly loved the first one, you wouldn't have fallen for the second."
- Johnny Depp

A Gift To Be Shared

“Ring around the rosy…”

Scarlet looked out the window of her school. Every afternoon she would watch her classmates play happily, enjoying the crisp autumn air and rays of sunshine before the cold months.
Scarlet glared through the glass, resenting her beautiful classmates. Where they were perfectly shaped she was skelatal, where they had chubby, pinch able cheeks hers were sunken in from fatigue, where they had beautiful locks of gold she had wild curls of russet, where they had a healthy, warm glow, she was cold ashen. They were perfect in everyway and she was not.
They ridiculed her, naming her a lonely skeleton. A beast in everyone’s eyes except her own, but she could not be blamed. She was a foster child, taken in after witnessing her parent’s gruesome murder. She had not known laughter for some time only despair, jealousy and hate.

“A pocket full of posies…”

She watched them carefully. Watching them smile and giggle as usual, but today would not be the same as the other days.
There was one girl in particular that she hated most. She had the shiniest of blonde tresses and eyes bluer than the oceans, her face in a heart shape with cute dimples showing every time she smiled. She was beautiful almost angelic, but looks can be deceiving.
The beautiful blonde had bullied Scarlet most, once beating her with a large plank of wood with seventeen nails and all she did was get the highest grade in class for a test. Of course the other students helped the blonde, for she was their leader and anyone who disobeyed would suffer the same fate Scarlet did.

“Ashes, Ashes…”

Then a scream echoed through the playground. There on the ground was a golden haired boy who had a long scratch across his face, showing three long claw marks. The scratch had caused blood to gush out, leaving the boy lifeless on the floor, his blood coating the two on the hopscotch board.
Then another screech licked at Scarlet’s ears. This time from a little girl who was holding her head in pain. When she dropped to the floor there was a deep wound upon her head that looked to be the doings of an axe.
One by one the children where killed until only one remained, the beautiful blonde. Her panicked face was almost enough revenge for Scarlet, almost. First her eye balls popped out of her head, rolling to the floor. Then her luscious golden locks fell to the floor, pooling around her feet. And finally a long cut from ear to ear was made, forming a smile.
The playground was emptied of happiness, the children’s corpses lying around haphazardly, each body more horrid then the first. Scarlet felt a triumphant smile tug at her lips before she vanished.

“We ALL fall down.”

The author's comments:
My inspiration for this short story was a Korean Song about a guy who is dying and his fake girlfriend is laughing and torturing him.

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This article has 1 comment.

Sakura-chan said...
on Dec. 26 2012 at 10:07 pm
Although very dark and grim it's really good :)