Loneliness | Teen Ink


December 14, 2012
By KamiKid BRONZE, Atlanta, Georgia
KamiKid BRONZE, Atlanta, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Warm rays of sun streamed through fluffy white clouds as kids sped off for recess. Coffee brown hair twisted into two think plaits bounced cutely as Flor skipped along happily. Her peanut butter skim gleamed in the morning sun, and her bright brown eyes searched the playground for someone to play with. She skipped over to where a pack of girls were giggling and whispering.
“Can I play too?” Flor waited hesitantly as the girls one by one turned their eyes toward her, each menacing gaze cutting into Flor’s confidence. The leader strode up to Flor and placed well-manicured hands on her hips while her eyes bore into Flor’s.
The silence was broken with a loud “Eeewww, she wants to play with us?!” The leader threw back her head and howled with laughter and her cronies followed suit as they raced away giggling madly. Confused, Flor patted her face to see if any waffle crumbs had stuck to her cheeks from breakfast but her small hands remained clean. She quickly sniffed her faded blue dress, it smelt like Mama, flowery and sweet. Her dress was free of any stinky poopy smells so that couldn’t be the reason. Flor couldn’t help the torrent of tears threatening to burst from her eyes as she stood silently watching the girls from afar. Forlorn, she plodded over to the swing set and sat down on it heavily. The little boy who was sitting next to her shot off with a cry of “ No! I don’t want the crazies!” Flor stiffened, her classmates had already found out about Papa. This was the third school in the past two years, and at the tender age of six, Flor had learned that the “crazies” was something the other kids avoided. Laughs and shouts filled the air as the other kids continued to play, ignoring Flor as she sat alone on the swing. She felt the breeze whistle its sad song as she half-heartedly swung. It was here when she first met loneliness.
“Alone? Did someone say alone?” A soft voice whispered as Flor dragged her feet across the red clay. Flor whipped her head around and scanned the empty swings. The voice whispered comfortingly in her ear, “We can be alone together.” His name was Loneliness. He began to play with Flor when the other kids refused to. Together Flor and Loneliness would build sandcastles and play hide and seek. His favorite game to play was hopscotch; there was something about balancing one leg and jumping around like a lame rabbit then suddenly grounding yourself in neat little squares. Slowly Flor and Loneliness became closer as she drifted farther and farther apart from everyone else. He started out as the playmate for recess at school but he soon evolved into more. In middle school while kids went out to the mall in groups, Flor went with Loneliness. He insisted on joining her in the courtyard, at the arcade even the lunchroom.
“Why bother with those losers when you have me?” He’d say pushing any unfortunate classmate who got too close away from Flor quickly.
Sometimes she would protest with a, “But I-“ He’d shush her and remind her of how they’ve been friends since they were kids.
“Their emotional drama is unnecessary Flor. It’d throw our friendship off course.” When they were younger Flor was closely followed by Loneliness whenever she went, but he had taken to dogging her every move. For prom, Flor didn’t get asked by the cute boy in sixth period liked she hoped for Loneliness was already picking out corsages. The two had become inseparable. Loneliness’ love for Flor transformed from innocent sandbox buddies into a violent greedy thirst for her company and hers alone. Flor would roam the college campus for any human interaction but Loneliness would creep up behind her and choke the notion out of her.
“It’s just you and me remember?” His voice had become hoarse with the raw intensity of his words. You and me…The words echoed in Flor’s head as she lay in her dorm pretending to sleep. The only time Loneliness would leave her in peace was during the night.
“How’d things turn around? What happened between us?” She whispered into her pillow. Her pillow stayed silent but her roommate decided not to.
“Flor what are you talking about this time?! Go to sleep for once.” Carol, her roommate, turned her back to Flor once more grumpily.
“Bloody maniac.” She added quietly. Flor froze. Maniac? Crazy, she was crazy. Flor felt the tears burn in her eyes. “I guess I’m more like you than I thought Papa.” Flor eyed the picture of her family sitting on the nightstand.
“Unlike you Papa, I know how to fix it.” Flor was twenty years old and had enough of the “crazies”. She finally understood how to get rid of Loneliness and put a stop to all the madness. Flor quietly got dressed and slipped out the dorm, taking great strides toward the park.
“We’ll see who is the crazier one now.” Her words were lost in the cold wind, fluttering aimlessly into the night. She arrived at the barren park and found Loneliness waiting for her on a bench.
“Can’t get enough of me huh?” He smirked and sauntered up to Flor who began quivering slightly.
“Enough?! Enough of you??” Her normally mousy voice spiked sharply.
“You been with me for fourteen long years and frankly I’ve had enough.” Loneliness scoffed.
“You can’t get rid of me. Remember who was there for you when the bullies called you loony. Remember who studied with you late into the night and went on every shopping trip.” Loneliness took a step towards Flor angrily.
“I will be with you forever Flor. We are the perfect balance, the-“ Flor began quaking hard now resembling a leaf in a storm. Her sable eyes red from the cascade of tears rushing down her face.
“I have nothing left for you to take Loneliness! You’ve consumed everything remotely happy for me and still here you are wanting more.” Her voice had reached ear splittingly high. She pointed one lanky finger towards Loneliness.
“This one legged game of hopscotch is over. It’s time for me to ground myself.” Her voice was hushed in a resolved kind of way. She smiled bitterly at Loneliness.
“We’ re through.” The bullet to her brain ended their relationship permanently.

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