Rock Bottom | Teen Ink

Rock Bottom

December 14, 2012
By nickmmoore BRONZE, Minot A.F.B, North Dakota
nickmmoore BRONZE, Minot A.F.B, North Dakota
3 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"So many books, so little time"

Story of Victor PT?

A while ago there was a boy named Victor. He was kidnapped in 1999. Almost being four years since his disappearance a new clue was found. You know from watching those crime shows that after a while a lead is found and this really happened. If you are daring,courageous,and selfless read on farther into this case if not leave before they catch you to. This is the Journal of Victor Salvodore.

January 4th 1999

I have been kidnapped and I don’t know where I am It is really scary. All I remember is walking home from school and the next thing I knew I was in the back of a van. I think my name is Victor Salvodore. I do not know where I am exactly and I think it will be a while until I get back home. There is more than one kidnapper they wear masks I hope I can get home soon. I will write tomorrow.

Well this case only should be taken by the cops who are ready to put their life on the line these men who kidnapped Victor are considered extremely dangerous.

Derrek decided to take the case. He has never had a big case since “the incident”.
No one on the force ever talks about it. So this was a pretty big case for him he was excited. He needed a partner. He called old time force member Eric Rectum.
“Hey Eric it’s Derrek I got a pretty big case you ever heard of Victor Salvadore”?
“Yeah it is all over the news..... did you take the case it is a pretty big one”.
“ Yes.... I did and I called you to see if you wanted to be my partner just like old times”.
“Oh..........I don’t know Derrek last time we got a big case you were put in the hospital for three months.....I accept”.
“ Ok I will see you tomorrow”.

January 8th 1999

They don’t think I can hear them but they are talking about killing me. I have been locked in a room since the kidnapped me it is really scary. They barely feed me I hope that the cops can get here soon. It is so boring here.

Derrek was busy getting the paper work while Eric was on his way to the office. This journal was laying on his desk so he flipped through the pages of it.

Febuary 28th 2001

Well it is the third year of me being kidnapped it is really not cool. I wish that I could be home right now. The kidnappers have not done anything to me since than I wonder why they kidnapped me..... maybe for ransom I don’t know. I am planning on running away this weekend . I just really want to get home soon see all my friends again. I really miss having them around same with my family even my annoying little brother I miss having around. My escape plan will be when they leave I will sneak out the bathroom window and run until I find a car to take me back.


Victor Salvodore was planning on running away today.
“Well today is the day I make things right and get back home”. Victor whispered to himself.

Victor heard the last man leave so he got out of bed and went into the bathroom.
Victor heard something coming up the stairs. He ran into the bathroom and jumped out of the bathroom.
“Ow my leg”! He cried out.

He tried running but it was getting harder and harder his leg burning with pain then he heard it..... A gun shot was fired he started running faster his leg not holding him back he thought to himself it is either life or death and I am leaning towards the live side. Another gun shot went off followed by a swarm of bulets being fired, but wait not towards him.

Derrek and Eric were driving around when they heard the gun shot they drove by the house too. They jumped out of the car little did they know what would happen. Eric took out his gun and started shooting at the guy in the Goofy mask. Derrek grabbed his gun and started shooting at the guy in the Mickey mask. Then from behind them an explosion happened. They turned around to late and the car was blown up. They tried running to get backup when at that moment..... Derrek was shot in the leg and the back. It all seemed to be playing in his mind again. Eric and him in a standoff. The car exploding. Getting shot in the back it all came back to him. These are Victor Salvodore’s Kidnappers.

Victor heard the explosion, but kept running. He was afraid for his life he didn’t want to die he had too much going for him he wanted to stay alive for his family and his friends he had to. That’s when he blacked out.
Victor woke up in a hospital bed...
“I’m alive” He shouted.
A cop came over to question him. He asked a bunch of questions it was weird he didn’t remember much about yesterday.
“Hello Victor it seems you are awake. I am Eric Rectum my partner who saved you would say hi but he is in a hospital bed. We want you to know those kidnappers are still out there we barely got you here safely so be careful” with that he walked away.
Eric felt his phone ring.
“You convinced him you saved him right?” Someone said.
“Yea he believes it Mickey”. Eric replied.
“We don’t have to go by code names anymore Kurt”.
“I prefer Eric don’t blow my cover”.


Story of VictorPT.?

After being rescued from the kidnapping, everything for Victor seemed to return back to normal. But that one thought in the back of his head kept coming back. It was about what Erik told him.
“ I just want you to know, Victor, the kidnappers are still out there so be careful.” he said.
What did he mean by it though?
“Victor time for school”. his mom’s voice interrupted his thoughts.
“Ok mom on my way”.
Victor ran down the stairs and grabbed his backpack, trying to make it before the bus left.
“Victor your alive” “Yea go Victor”.
Victor got a lot of responses.
“Yea I did hey Dylan, Brandon haven’t seen you guys in like forever”.
Victor was too busy talking to his friends and other curios people that he didn’t notice three men watching him.

Derek was getting a lot of praise for solving the case.
“Hey Hey Hey it wasn’t all me Erik helped to speaking of which where is Erik”.
“Don’t know sir haven’t seen him in days”. an officer replied.

In fact Erik wasn’t even in that state let alone the city. He was actually with the kidnappers.

“So are you going to tell us who the mole was Erik!” Said Mickey
“Or should we say Kurt Giovanni” said Goofy
“Look brothers Mark, Mike I tried stopping him from finding you guys but he is so stubborn we are all in this together Giovannis rule” Erik/Kurt said.

Victor got a lot attention that day from everyone it was cool.
“Victor why are you alone outside again”. Asked a teacher.
“Sorry Mr. Teddy I am coming in now.”

Victor had to have his mom come pick him up a few times before he could walk home. He thought his mom was a little oversensitive. He definitely didn’t expect things to go back to normal but everyone seemed to be watching him lately. Victor heard a car door shut and the sound of someone walking towards him. He whipped around to see......the mailman. Looks like Victor also might be a little jumpy. He walked home the rest of the way but felt like he was being followed by someone or something. Victor turned around once he got to his door but no one was around the outside of the house.
“Hey Mom I’m home”. He called out.
That’s when he heard someone coming up the stairs. He grabbed his bat he had gotten for his birthday last week and ran to the basement door. Gripping the bat with both of his hands, he opened the basement door.
“Oh Victor your home”. His mom said.
“I came down here to clean out the room down here, you always wanted it”She said.
“Oh my bad, I came down here to...hit some baseballs”. He replied.
“You know you can’t do that”.
“Yea sorry I guess I’ll go hang out in my room”
He was walking up the stairs when his phone started vibrating.He answered it
He was interrupted. “You may have gotten away once but not twice. We got your little cop friend too” Someone said in a rusty voice.


“You have to Derrek listen to me they got Erik”Victor said.
Derrek was thinking about it all morning. The kid came over to the police station last night telling him that he had gotten a call from a person he thought to be His kidnapper. Telling him that they had Erik.
“Look maybe someone was just pulling your tail or yanking your chain however you kids say it these days. Besides I know Erik he can take care of himself”. Still Victor had a nagging suspicion no one was pulling his chain. But if no one would believe him maybe he would have to do his own pulling.


Victor had just gotten off of his bus he started walking towards his house when he saw a car. He ran to his house looked at the car parked in his driveway and opened his door. He saw a man walk by and then they both suddenly stopped.

“Oh Victor I wasn’t expecting you to be home yet, I don’t know if you remember me but I’m back living with you”. The man said.
It took Victor a second to realize what was going on until he got really excited. The light black hair, the eyes, everything, Victor’s dad had come back to live with him.


“Well anyways we were at the base when a bomb went off, I jumped off of my cot and grabbed my gun. when two Iraqi soldiers were running at me and my friend. They were shooting but I pushed my buddy out of the way and shot both. One person threw a knife and it hit me in the side, right here....see the scar”. Phil Salvodore was telling his family about Iraq. “Well with that I fell to the ground. Our whole entire unit had to evacuate the area. That’s why I couldn’t come back until the fighting calmed a little”.
“We both missed you” Cecile Salvodore said looking at her husband for the first time in ten years.
“I wanted to surprise you guys but Victor got here before I could”.
“Yea I tend to ruin people’s surprises like that my bad”. Victor laughed.
It felt good to see his dad again he had aged a little though. His once silky light black hair was now turning gray. He had wrinkles but none of that mattered to him the one thing that did was that he protected our country and he was his dad and no one could replace him.
“So Victor anything exciting happen in your life while I was gone Tell m-” He was cut off by a knocking on the door. Phil got up and answered the door.
“Hello and who are you”. Phil said
“I might ask you the same thing about you I’m officer Derrek McKay, now who are you”. Derrek said
“I’m Phil Salvadore”.
“Well I need to talk to your....privately”
“I think I can be here”
Then Victor stepped in to the conversation.
“No dad it’s okay Follow me Mr. McKay” Victor probably softened the blow he didn’t want his dad finding out about the kidnapping that wouldn’t be good.
“You were right someone has Eric, I Should have believed you right away but I thought you should know in case someone tries to get you again”.
“Wow you are really feeling like getting to the point tonight aren’t you” Victor couldn’t help but get a little smart with the guy everyone needs a good laugh every now and then.
“You have to be smart to get smart so why are you doing it?”Was Derrek’s answer.

“Well my dad just kind of got back from being M.I.A so why must you choose to tell me now.” It was true Victor gave up seeing his ago. He was just so happy when Derrek came to be the bearer of bad news.
“Well I will leave just thought you should know.” and with that Derrek left.

The first thing that Victor heard was his dad asking why the cop came over. He thought before he went in, well here we go let’s add some more wrinkles to dad.

“How come the cop came over....Are you guys dating.” Of course Phil’s first question was that.

“No we had a little problem while you were gone so Victor and him kept in touch.” Victor’s mom was actually telling the truth.... just not all of it. You see not telling all of the truth is still a lie no matter what. If you think about it everything you say is a lie because when someone asks you what did you do today you definitely aren’t going to tell them everything that happened at school that day.

“Well what happened while I was gone, I mean it can’t be like he got kidnapped or anything.” His dad stared at his mom with an actual concern for his son. Victor couldn’t remember the last time a father figure was concerned for him.

“Well Phil actually he was kidnap--”

“WHAT....WHO DID THIS I WANT NAMES NO ONE HURTS MY FAMILY LIKE THAT.” Phil bellowed. Victor was actually kind of happy the father figure he had so longed for in life was finally here. It was amazing no one could take away the feeling in his stomach, but Victor felt like someone needed help. He shrugged of the feeling and went to talk to his dad.


Kurt woke up feeling a little groggy. He had a really bad headache, but more importantly where was he? The last thing he remembered was a gunshot. The headache really hurt, he reached up to touch it and felt scared when his head was wet and sticky. Where was he? He started kicking around but nothing would budge. His ears kept popping in a way that was almost inhuman. Then he heard a crack.

“Yes”. He couldn’t help getting excited. After that was a series of cracks, but than he felt a drop of water. He shrugged it off as blood, and with one final kick the top went off.....and the water came in.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Jan. 3 2013 at 10:43 am
nickmmoore BRONZE, Minot A.F.B, North Dakota
3 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"So many books, so little time"

I worked hard on this