The party that started it all | Teen Ink

The party that started it all

December 13, 2012
By Patty-Nicos BRONZE, Lemont, Illinois
Patty-Nicos BRONZE, Lemont, Illinois
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Your voice sounds like a mix between Jesus and Fergie."

“Dragged you down below, down to the devils show, to be his guest forever, peace of mind is less than never(1)… This is Justin and the song you all were just singing along to was called Nightmare by Avenged Sevenfold. Next is Don’t You Worry Child by Swedish House Mafia”
“Oh man, I love this song” but in the middle of song I started to hear funny sputtering noises. I thought it was just something happening with my radio but I realized what it was when my car started to slow down and then suddenly stopped.
“Crap, no this can’t be happening I just had the car fixed yesterday!”, I said to no one. I grabbed my phone and called the only people I knew that were already at the party and could come pick me up but all I heard was the hallow ringing as I waited another beep until the voice mail started to roll.
“Okay cool. This is just freaking great. What the heck am I supposed to do now!?” I decided not to call my parents to come pick me up because they would be super pissed that I left the house without even asking. I came up with a plan that I would spend the night in the hotel I saw down the road and have someone from the party come pick me up in the morning. I mean, they will probably answer my call by then and I will get home before anyone realizes I left. It wasn't that hard to climb out the window so it won't be that hard to climb back in, right? Since the hotel room was my only choice, i grabbed the keys from the ignition along with my wallet and the coffee i had been drinking to keep me awake and steppe out into the cold night. The hotel didn't feel like it was far away but once i started walking it took me a good twenty minutes to get to it. I peeked into the what i guessed was the lobby and found an old lady sitting behind the desk and all around her was smoke. I let out a small cough mostly because of all the smoke but also to let her know that i was there. "May i help you? Did your car break down like it did for all of the other people who come here?" she said in a harsh raspy voice like this was some routine that happens every day."uh yes actually it did.Could i get a room just for tonight?""we have plenty of rooms since we don't get many customers. I mean who buys a building in the middle of nowhere and makes it into a hotel. Anyways, the cost of the room will be fifty dollars for one night. I will need your name and if you will be paying with cash or credit."
"i'll take it. My name is Collin Maturin and i will be paying with cash. Could i get a smoke free room,please?", i asked, just to make her feel guilty that she smokes."oh, yes of course. You can either take room number thirteen or thirty. Room number thirteen is just around the corner while room number thirty is all the way on the end of that long hallway." "Uhm, I'll take room thirteen since it's closer."
She handed me the keys and told me where the room was. I thanked her and went to the room to crash for the night. I got to into the room which was quite better than i had expected it to be since the lobby didn't
look so great, t had a big window with brown drapes that went along with the light green walls. The light was dim but i could see that there were two beds with just a little night stand in between them. As i stepped into the room, I felt that the white carpet was very soft. The bathroom didn't look so good but it didn't bother me, i just wanted to sleep because i was so tired from the walk. I had no idea how I would have made it at the party if I was just tired from a small walk. As soon as I took my shoes off and laid down, I was asleep. After about three hours I woke up because I thought that I had heard a scream but since it was the middle of the night and I was super tired I decided that someone just screamed in the dream I was having. But after about three minutes I heard a thumping noise. It had a steady pace to it like a pirate's wooden leg against a ship's deck. Instead of investigating what the noise was, I did what I always did when I was freaking out, yes, that's right...I hid under the covers. Then BAM. I heard the door creek open. I peeked from under the covers and saw a creature,yes a creature, which was obviously not human, dragging the lady that checked this room out to me. It dragged ger to the bed across from me and made sure to open her eyes wide and make her face me. She was clearly dead. I wanted to scream. The creature had no eyes or a nose, it walkefd with a limp but in a weird stiff way. It also had six fingers on its left hand. It went over to the wall and scribbled something in the lady's blood. The air smelled of blood and sweat. I realized that I was all weat. I was terrified of this thing. My eyes widened as the creature stepped away from its masterpiece and revealed what it had written. It then began to make its way towards me. I did not move and pretended I was asleep for fear that it would kill me if it knew that I was awake. I think my heart might have stopped beating when I heard that it had crawled under my bed. I opened my eyes and let them adjust to the darkness again. I then glanced at the masterpiece. "I know you're awake" it said.

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