His Return | Teen Ink

His Return

December 13, 2012
By Anonymous

Luis was happy.
Finally, he had done it. Provided, it hadn't been easy, but now the cool night air felt so free he knew it was worth it. Slithering his way out the cracked window was the most exhilarating thing he'd ever done. And now, sauntering along the empty streets, Luis was alive.
Looking ahead though, he almost felt a pang of guilt. Questions began to fill his head- What if they look for me? He quickly pushed the worry out of his head and picked up his pace the slightest. Turning a corner, Luis was imagining what he would do for the rest of his life; he was starting over fresh and anything was possible. Luis sighed and stopped dead.
There, slowly circling each other, were two of the most vicious-looking members of what had to be the most evil and powerful gang ever known. Luis let out a frightened half-whimper at the sight of them. The bigger of the two stopped. The others head snapped up and he snarled. They glared at Luis and started towards him. He turned to run but was scooped up by the scruff of his neck.
Luis was swung around and brought nose-to-nose with the scarred face of the most feared gang leader in all of history- Bane. Bane was notoriously known everywhere you went; talked about endlessly with never a shortage of new horror stories. Now, however, all Luis could think of was how much he would rather be at home right about now. Bane didn't look like he was thinking anything, just how he couldn't believe this tiny creature was in front of him.
Luis tried to stutter out an apology, but Bane cut him off with the swift motion of turning around. He gave the gang member holding Luis a long look and then started trotting away. Luis' captor followed suit and tightened his jaw.
Just as Luis was beginning to drift off to the rhythmic beating of the member's feet,they began to slow down. Luis roused himself and raised his head. A hundred faces and images raced through his mind as they approached a tall, menacing building known as the House. All the faces had the same look on them, the same messages were portrayed by the images. Luis was filled with regret. He flashed back to all the decisions he had made this week, from daydreaming about escape, to actually nosing the window open and taking his first breath of fresh air.
Bane stopped at a door and scratched on it. It was pulled open and bright yellow eyes peered out. They seemed to nod and then widened at the sight of Luis. The eyes skittered away and were replaced by deep green ones. A low growl sounded and the door opened fully. Bane led the way in and barked up at the guards by the door. A young human ran out of a nearby, rundown building and gasped. She grabbed Luis, hugged him tight and buried her face in his fur. Luis' mind was overcome with memories- sitting on the beach, the smell of roses, and a ring. The ring stood out to him the most, he kept watching and started at the sight of it being slid onto a slender finger. He opened his eyes and glanced around at this strange new place.
Humans were emerging from all over the street and smiling then hugging each other as they laughed. Some had surprised looks on their faces, like they were thinking that this could not possibly be happening. Luis tried to wiggle out of the girl's arms and she giggled and let him onto the ground. Bane looked at Luis and jerked his head in the direction of a small alley and walked toward him. Luis followed on instinct and hurried to catch up with him. Bane led them to a bench and stood up. Luis growled. Bane loomed over him, now a very tall and muscular human. They looked at each other and suddenly Luis was standing eye level with Bane. He looked down and almost jumped out of his skin. Luis was human. Bane pulled him into a hug and handed him a ring. Luis slipped it on and swayed on his feet.
He remembered everything. Who knew how it was possible, but Luis had 21 years of memories pass through his head in a second. He stared at Bane for a minute and then laughed. Of course. After that witch had cursed him, Luis had been turned into a wolf. Left on his own, he was to be stuck like that until his clan could find him again and turn him back into a human with the ring.
Luis turned and ran back to the girl -his daughter, Grace. They hugged for a long time and when she finally pulled away to look at his face, the whole clan was clapping and laughing. Their beloved leader was back to restore order during this stressful time. The world was at war, and they were losing. Bane walked over, put his arm around Luis' shoulders and led him towards the biggest house, their own. Now Luis was back, there was no time to lose; action had to be taken. As soon as word got around that Luis was back, all chaos would break loose.

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