Untitled | Teen Ink


December 18, 2012
By Anonymous

The party raged on for hours on end, and not one person attempted to look for Kit , not even her best friend. Its not like anybody would have known she was missing, though. Everyone was distracted by the beating strobe lights, loud music and the random strangers they were provocatively dancing with. This was the perfect setting. The whole operation was surprisingly easy. How simple it was to lure her outside. Get her alone, where her screams couldn’t be heard. No matter how many people I target, I’ve never considered myself a murderer, because frankly I think they deserved what they got. Kit is no exception. Maybe next time she’ll think twice about kissing my boyfriend. Except, there wont be a next time for her. I left the party at about one in the morning. I had to dance a little while longer or I would’ve seemed suspicious. Being me, I wasn’t worried about walking alone in the dark. Nothing scared me anymore. But I had only walked about ten feet when in my peripheral vision I saw a dark figure following me. Before I could react, pain shot through my body and everything went dark.
It is dusk. I can’t see, but the air around me is cool. A chill wind that differs from the usual heat of the burning sun. The air smells of mold and dirt. I'm not sure if I am underground, in a deserted building with the windows open, or in an open field in the middle of nowhere for there is a scarf elaborately tied around my face. My arms and legs are bound to the chair in which I am sitting. My stomach begs for food and my throat screams for water. I suppose I have been here for two or three days. Sleep is easy. It helps me escape. Makes me feel numb.
Hours pass. And out of nowhere, a noise penetrates the room and I jump, being so used to the quiet black blanket. Footsteps, and by the sound of them, belonging to a girl. A smell of vanilla and citrus fills the air. Perfume. I smile.
“And to think I thought you hadn't noticed,” I muse.
“What did she ever do to you,” the voice hissed back. “ Its not her fault your boyfriend liked her better than he liked you! He deserved to die not her.”
“I’ll have to take that into consideration.”
“Too late. Its your time now. Prepare to die.”
I laugh. How threatening. Loud rummaging fills the room. It sounds as if she's searching for something. The noise stops. She must have found what she was looking for. Something cold and sharp touched my throat.
Using all of my strength, my entire body bucks and my legs rip from the chair, and dig into her stomach. She grunts from somewhere in the room and I hear something clatter to the floor. I stand up, jerk to the left and my hands are free. The chair crashes to the floor. Weird, my hands and feet were only attached with adhesive tape. Amateur. I untie the scarf around my eyes, and I look around. The room is large with mold growing on the walls. Broken windows sit towards the ceiling and smalls rays of early morning sunlight fall through. Enough light to see Kit’s best friend Kat crouched in the corner. I pick the knife off the floor. She sees it and retreats into a dark corner of the room. I throw it. She falls and the room is silent once again. I pick the weapon up and wipe it on my shirt. It has to be clean for my next victim. I push the doors open and blink as my eyes adjust to the bright sun. I set off for my boyfriends house.

The author's comments:
This is a story I wrote for class last year during our suspense unit. It's very creepy and violent. Which is weird because I'm the type of person who is afraid to kill ants. Hm. Like Jekyll and Hyde. Anyway enjoy!

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