The Girl in the Graveyard | Teen Ink

The Girl in the Graveyard

January 5, 2013
By Anonymous

The young girl seemed so innocent as she grazed past the graves in the dark night. She was cadaverous , but still appeared so alive. Her eyes, red with fury , darted my way. My mind told me to run for the hills , but my body wouldn't move an inch. She came toward me , feet barely touching the unearthly ground , and touched me lightly on the arm. Why was I nervous? She is as amiable as I first thought! Then suddenly ... her grasp tightened around my arm, and I screamed on in pain for help. Her grasp beer loosened, even as she pulled me forward to the nearest grave. She threw my limp body to the ground. I looked up and my nose just barely touched to cold headstone. I jolted back and squinted in the dark . To my surprise , I found my name carved ever - so - neatly into the stone. The girl spoke softly in my ear. BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! I awaken and jolt quickly out I my bed. My alarm read 7:15. My muscles tensed up. The girl said she would wait for me at 7:16. I heard a clatter from behind me. I turn to find a gun pointed directly in my face ! I see the end if the barrel move down to my heart. One last breath... BOOM!

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