The Land of the Dead | Teen Ink

The Land of the Dead

January 10, 2013
By Anonymous

The barking filled the night sky, bouncing of the dark trees which stood over me like monsters. I tripped over roots and stumbled every few seconds. I could hear my heart beating loudly throughout my whole body. I couldn't see anything anymore; all I could do was hear the dogs, my feet, and my heart. I looked behind me for a quick second; I saw the moon glinting off the dog's eyes and their sharp teeth. I turned back forward- just in time to see the tree in front of me. I smacked into the tree, feeling the bark scratch up my face. I fell backward, and lay on my back for approximately a millisecond, then felt the hot breath of a dog breathing on me. I looked up to see a gun pointed at my head. I closed my eyes, and heard the gunshot ring through the forest. I waited… And waited… And waited… And…

It never came. I opened my eyes. The men and the dogs were gone. And so was the forest. In its place was a garden. But it wasn't like any garden I had ever seen before. The flowers were blood red, and I mean blood red. There was blood dripping down from the flowers. A pathway went through the middle, seemingly made of charred bones. I walked through the flowers, and heard snarling and snapping. I looked to the right and saw black flowers with teeth in between the red flowers growling at me. They seemed to be leashed, so I moved on. Once I was through the flowers, I looked up to see a tall black edifice in front of me. A pungent smell surrounded it, like rotten flesh. I heard intermittent screech of crows, and looked up. They had blood red eyes, all trained on me. I knocked on the door, which opened slowly with a creak. I don't know why I went inside. I shouldn't have. I walked in, at first it just seemed like any normal old broken down house. Then the pungent smell came back full on. It filled up my head. I looked around me; the house was made of bodies. Dead bodies. But they were talking. To me.

"join us… join us…"

I screamed, and ran back to the door. I pulled it but it wouldn't move. I let go, and put my back against it, struggling. All of a sudden, I felt two arms come out from behind me and hold me down. The door was alive too. I couldn't scream. I couldn't breathe. The smell was all around. I saw the house slowly disintegrate into a mob of these people. Their wounds were fresh, the blood glistening. I could see who they used to be- human. I looked at their faces, realizing that they were once me. But they don't remember that. All they know now is hurt. And they want me to hurt too. I felt their nails ripping my skin, and then it was blank.

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