Crazy cop | Teen Ink

Crazy cop

January 10, 2013
By Anonymous

Me and my boyfriend of 4 years Dilen decided to go to a cottage to spend some quality time. That week we both took off work and went on a road trip. We stopped by a gas station , old and mysterious. Dilen went to full the gas tank while I quickly followed. We were lost and didn’t really know where we were heading. The inside of the building looked more awful than it did in the outside. Behind the counter was a man who looked a little intimidating to me. His name tag said Roger.He turned his head and all of a sudden spat some dip. Dilen gave me a quite a weird look but I minded my own business and did not judge. While Dilen was asking him directions of how to get to the cottage I was texting one of my friend Caitlin not paying attention. I went to grab a soda meanwhile I noticed Roger watching me. I tried to avoid the situation by pretending to text Caitlin even when I was waiting for her reply. When we walk into the car Dilen and I get into a huge argument because he assumed roger was hitting on me. Dilen can be very insecure sometimes, I rolled my eyes and lit up a cigarette trying to calm myself down but the argument just got even worse. I didn’t want to ruin this night with a stupid argument so I kissed him on the cheek and made up with him. All of a sudden red and blue lights shine through the rear window as a police siren breaks the silence. I looked in the rear window and saw the squad car close behind. “Stay calm,” I told Dilen. He rolled down his window and officer Ryan flashes his flashlight into the car. The cop asked for Dilen’s licence and registration and walked away meanwhile He explained how the car had a broken tail light. Dilen was panicking because if he got a ticket he would be in a big mess. The cop looked at Dilen and said “I’ll let you guys slide this time”, and winked at me in a strange way. Officer Ryan apparently knew where the cottage was and with confusion asked why we took the longer way. I got a flash back of Roger telling us false directions and wondered why he put on such an act. The cop walks away back into the squad car and we drive off. In the middle of driving Dilen needed to use a bathroom so we stopped by. He got back into the car and looked really worried. He turned around and drove away so quick I questioned his rush and he told me how the cop had lied about the broken tail light. I started to get really worried. I demanded to go back to the gas station to get some help and he agreed. As we drive the same squad car pulls us over again. Again Ryan asks Dilen for his licence and registration. When he came back he laughed at how Dilen was speeding. All of a sudden officer Ryan started to beat up Dilan and tried to attack him. I was speechless and started to panic. I started to yell at the top of my lungs for help! He arrested Dilen in front of me for no reason. After Dilen’s court case he was found acquitted, It goes to show you nobody can be trusted, and sometimes wearing a uniform does not make you who you are.

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