The Killer and His Victim | Teen Ink

The Killer and His Victim

January 10, 2013
By Aliana Parisi BRONZE, Woodland Park, New Jersey
Aliana Parisi BRONZE, Woodland Park, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I laid there awake, my eyes wide open. I was alert as could be because every time I closed my eyes I saw the scene again. I never worried about this before. This is a small quiet little town. Nothing ever bad happens here. Until now. It all started when I woke up this morning. It started out normal until I got an anonymous horoscope e-mail telling me not to go out today. I blew it off. Thinking it was someone trying to mess with me. Now I know I should have listened.
I started my day at work. I work at the mall. Some people may think it is a great thing to work at the mall and I did too until today. I work at the cosmetic counter at Sephora. As I was working this morning a strange man walked into the store. Looked me dead in the eye and walked right passed me. Not even a, “Hello”. This man gave me a weird feeling so I tried to follow him around the store. I left the “Sparkle Stand” and went to look for this man. It was very weird. I swear I checked the entire store and didn’t find him. As I headed back to my stand he passed me right up. The only way he could have been behind me was to have come from the employee room. I turned around and headed for the employee room. As I opened the door a body was laying in the door way. I had to take a second look. I then realized it was my sales manager Violet. I panicked and didn’t know what to do. Next to her was a bottle of Gatorade. I picked up the bottle and smelled it. When I smelled it, it smelled like bitter almonds. Not that sweet smell you get from an Almond Joy, no a really bad smell of almonds. It took me a minute to put it together but I remember my 8th grade teacher telling me there was a kind of poison that smelled like bitter almonds. That’s when I realized, one of the most well-known people in this town had been poisoned.
I closed the door and left the scene as I found it and called my father. My father is the sheriff of this town. Very quietly I told him what had happened. He asked me if anyone suspicious had been in that room prior to me finding her. Then I knew it was the creepy man that had come in earlier. I was so shocked with this I forgot about him. I described the man to my dad. He was a white male, in his early forties and had a tattoo that said, “R. I. P.”. The hardest part of this whole thing is going to be breaking the news to the town. Violet was well known. Her father was the mayor and her mother was the head of the council. I knew it was going to be a hard day.
I woke up the next day with no sleep. Every time I closed my eyes the man appeared in my mind over, and over again. There was no work for me. Sephora was under investigation. It was a mad house there. Everyone was trying to get in. Not to buy makeup but to see the body. I couldn’t live like this I knew who the man was. He couldn’t have just disappeared off the Earth. He had to be somewhere. I couldn’t just sit home so I went out just for a drive. There was barely anyone on the road. I started to think more and more about the man. If there was anything else I noticed about him that could help the police find him. As I turned the corner onto the bridge, I wasn’t really paying attention, but there was a man lying in the middle of the road. I ran right over him, not even realizing it until it was too late. I ran out of my car and went to go see if the person was ok. When I looked at the person, he resembled the man who poisoned Violet. I wasn’t sure so I looked for his tattoo and there it was written on his left arm “R.I.P.” I couldn’t believe it. I found the murderer of the mayor’s daughter. He must have already been dead otherwise he would have moved when a car was coming. God let me run right over him. Before I got in my car I took one last look at him. There he laid with his eyes closed shut forever. Just like Violet.

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