Silent Partner | Teen Ink

Silent Partner

January 16, 2013
By Anonymous

Jordan had met his friend Luke at Thatcher McGee’s Irish Pub for drinks around ten o’clock on a Monday night. Jordan and Luke look were both highly intoxicated around 12 A.M.; neither of them was tolerable to drive. Luke blew a BAC level of 1.5, and Jordan with a 1.3. Jordan was recently pulled over for a second defense DUI. Jordan could not afford to pay his fine with his minimum waged job. He now has to take the bus to work after the court decided he deserves to lose his license for seven years. They left Thatcher’s and walked into a vacated parking lot with only one cop car sitting there. Jordan and Luke discovered the officer was the one who pulled Jordan over for his second defense ticket.
Jordan’s words slurred as he exclaimed, “I want to kill that police man that wrote me up for my second DUI, man.”
Luke had the exact same idea; he said, “Let’s find that cop. I think I remember his name dude, Mr. Larry Jones, yeah there he is!” They both snicker at his name. Jordan and Luke see Officer Jones snoring profusely, drooling at the mouth, eyes were sealed shut. No one was out. This man was not going to move. Luke throws the leftovers out of the bag into the street, opens the door to the policeman’s car, and places the plastic bag over his head. The policeman awakens flailing his arms and kicking his legs. He was out of air to cry for help. Jordan and Luke had killed Mr. Harvey Jones. In that time another policeman passes through the area. Panicking the two men dropped everything and ran. They left the plastic bag in the car with Officer Jones giving away blatant evidence.
The boys sprint to behind the dumpster, as they watch the ambulance come, and pronounce Officer Harvey Jones dead.
Officer Jone’s pager was going off to report to a burglary. “Oh God what have we done”? Luke stated petrified.
“Man, we made a mistake. We can’t go back and change the past. Where’s a time machine when you need one?” Jordan answered.
“No really”? Luke barked. The policeman heard the two men chatting, revealing their hiding spot. They needed an alibi, and they needed one fast.
“Anything you say now will be used against you in court,” exclaimed the policeman. Sheriff Jackson ducked Mr. Smith and Mr. Johnson’s heads into the car. Luke Johnson just sat there speechless. Luke sat in the back inaudibly. He knew what had done, and he refused to confess to it. The sheriff brought them into the police station where he sat him down in the interrogation room. Another policeman walked in, he went by the name of Dr. Charles Duncan.

“Okay, Mr. Smith, I’m going to have to interrogate you about the scene of this murder. This is a crime scene investigation, and I need to take you seriously, we will get down to the bottom of this.” Stated Officer Duncan.
“Fine,” Jordan replied with a minimal response.
“In order for this to go efficiently I need you to cooperate. What were you doing on the night Officer Larry Jones was murdered”? Questioned Duncan.
Jordan replied, “I was home.”
“And what were you doing home”? Asked Dr. Duncan.
“Playing Xbox. Look I didn’t do it okay, what is this a game of twenty questions,” Answered Jordan. Luke did not say one word.
“Officer Jones, you murdered, because he gave you a ticket for driving around drunk a few weeks ago. The evidence is all here Mr. Smith. You see the Crime Lab has been investigating, and concluded that the fingerprints on the plastic bag were a perfect match for you and Luke. You are under arrest for the murder of Officer Larry Jones.” Concluded Officer Duncan.
“I demand to see a lawyer,” exclaimed Luke.
“Luke the evidence is all here. You left the bag inside of Officer Jone’s car. You are pronounced guilty,” preached Dr. Duncan. Luke just sat there. He wished he did not do something as inane as that was; now he has to spend the rest of his life in jail alongside with his best friend Jordan.

The author's comments:
This piece is a thriller, I hope for people to keep reading the story, this is definitely not a cliche.

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