When They Entered | Teen Ink

When They Entered

January 28, 2013
By allyferg96 BRONZE, Centerville, Iowa
allyferg96 BRONZE, Centerville, Iowa
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

They five people walked cautiously into the house, hearing the creaking of the old wooden steps. They arrived to the door, Jason, the oldest out of the group peered around the broken window, to see a long banister covered a dark liquid, along side of the banister hung three nooses. Emily wondered if they should enter, but they had come five hundred miles to see this, to see if the legend was true. Emily clung to Zach's arm, slowly walking in the splintered door way with chipped white paint; Jason, Nick, and Zoey followed. The wood floor creaked as they all gathered in the small area before the stairs leading to the top floor. Looking to their left they see a large mirror, door, then under the stairs a smaller door, almost hidden by the ripped, flowered, and stained wall paper; only to reveal the crease of the doorway. Nick began to rip of the wall paper, maggots soon started falling from his hands, squirming on the floor by his feet. “Just open it already, I just want to leave already!” Emily shouted. Jason helped tearing the wall paper apart. Zoey wandered off into the door by the mirror, noticing she had no reflection when she walked by, she entered the room, it was a bathroom, looking up to the ceiling she turns on the flickering light, two pictures hung on the wall. Blood strewn across the wall, lands directly upon one. Shivers run down her back, she turns to leave, to go back to her friends, when suddenly the door slams shut.

Finally, all the wall paper was off, with few specs still covering the door. Zach creeps inside, he sees toys: teddy bear, toy truck, and a porcelain doll with a cracked face, he picks up the doll with intentions on scarring the others. When he sees a note inside, pulling the note out of the dolls face, He reads aloud, “wheres Jamie?” The group then noticed one noose was missing, they questioned, “If there was a family of four... what happened to the fourth noose, or the other person?” Joey walked to the door explaining to everyone how stupid this was and it was clearly fake, when he hears screaming and a loud pounding on a door in the same room. They all notice that Zoey had gone missing. Quickly, Jason and Emily run to the door knocking and pounding on the door yelling for Zoey, when they hear her say, “She's in here, I found her, She's he--” Just then Shes cut off by an abrupt sound of a little girl's scream, the group runs upstairs leaving Zoey alone. All they could hear were the screams and cries of Zoey. Emily begins to cry raving, “we shouldn't have left her, she needed us, can we go see if she okay and leave, please?!” Nick agrees, “Guys I'm convinced, lets leave we don't need to stay, lets just go.” The group heads downstairs to leave when they hear a thumping on the door of the room Zoey was in. Emily starts to walk over when they all remind her of the noise they heard, there was no possible way that Zoey was still alive. Emily insists on going in anyway; Zach follows behind her. She slowly opens the door noticing it was no longer locked, she saw blood on the wall and immediately panicked and broke out into sobs saying,”We should of helped her..” Just then a hand peers around the corner covered in scratches, cuts, and bruises. Zoey slowly creeps out of the room exclaiming, “We need to go, we have to leave now, she's here. Lets go we need to leave, please can we just go.” “What the hell are you talking about Zoe?” replies Nick. When Emily and Jason turn to the door they see the lights of the car still on, as they inch closer to the door, the same petrifying scream is heard. “What is that!?” shouts Jason. “Its her, we need to go, now!” Zoey says. Emily reaches for the door knob, the door doesn't budge, “uhh..guys...um..its locked, who locked it?” Zach looks at the doorknob noticing, there isn't a lock. The two turn towards the others Zach says, “break any window, find another door, find something we need to leave now.” They turn to Zoey to begin questioning her, They see her crouched down in the tiny room underneath the stairs, in the far back left corner, rocking back and forth murmuring, “Shes gonna get us, shes locked us in, shouldn’t of come her, why'd we come, I didn't even want to.” She repeats over and over while the rest of the group screams at her trying to get her attention, to get her to move, to say something other than what she has been. Just when they hear a loud shatter of glass, Jason broke a window on the top floor. “How are we supposed to get out of the window when you broke it on the top floor, idiot!?” shouts Nick. “We can make a rope out of blankets and curtains, I'm not sure how sturdy they will be but we need to hurry.” replies Jason. Zach picks up Zoey and carries her to the top floor, he sets her on the bed. When they realized they were in Jamie's room. They began to run around looking for any fabric that could be used as rope. Emily suggests to use the nooses and connect them to each other then the fabric. Nick runs to the middle of the stairs cuts the nooses when a loud scream is heard again. But this time instead of just a scream the word, “NO!” is yelled, the voice different, Nick rushes up stairs as hes trying to tie them together. The blood covered fabric is tied, they connect the rope to the fabric. They tell Emily to go first, Emily states that Zoey needs to go first, they all agree. The turn toward Zoey to see her eyes blank, no pupils, no color, just white. Her skin pale and cut, already infected; the veins in her neck sticking out like shes screaming, but there is no sound. Emily screams, “Her eyes, what's wrong with her eyes?!” Nick shakes her exclaiming, “Zoey come on, were leaving. Lets go, were going home, we'll be safe.” “safe, leaving? You're not leaving. You just got here.” Zoey chuckles. When she pulls out a knife. “Zoey, where'd you get that. Put the knife away Zoe.” Persuades Nick. The group backs toward the window Emily rushes down, with five feet left from landing on the ground, she realizes shes being pulled up. She lets go of the rope, breaking her ankle. She tries to stand up just to fall back down. She crawls to the car screaming, “Guys hurry! We need to leave.” Next came Zach; They hear the shatter of glass, they look to the left, Zoey had pushed Nicks head through the window, laughing furiously. Jason and Zach panic and rush to the window. Jason tells Zach to hurry and that she was coming towards them. Zach rushes down, falling to his knees meeting with Emily. Seeing her ankle all black, purple, and blue he yells at Jason “Hurry shes behind you, pushing Zoey back Jason picks up the knife she drops, and threatens her. “You're really going to hurt me Jason, I'm fine look at me..” Her eyes suddenly normal, her skin glowing as it once was. He drops the knife and comes to her, giving her a tight hug. Zoey begins laughing, holding on to him tighter and tighter. He pulls away, pushing her head back; seeing her eyes and skin back to the way they were. Just then he grabs the knife as he pushes her to the ground, he stabs her hand leaving her stuck to the ground. He rushes to the window to see Nick coming toward him, look like Zoey. As he turns to look at Zoey he notices her crying in pain, he pulls the knife out realizes that the missing girl, Jamie, had been killed. That her soul has been entering everyone in the house. Jason makes the decision that this needs to end, grabbing Zoe he says, “Shimmy down to the car, no matter what don't turn around, I'll be out soon, cover your ears and close your eyes. I love you.” “Why are you talking like this, I'm staying with you? I have to Jason.” “Go now, Zoe I swear it'll be fine, go!” Zoe runs to the window and begins to slide down the rope hearing a small rip in the thread. She looks up, Jason is cutting the rope. Emily screams and limps toward Zoe. She hits the ground hard, the smell of burnt rubber filled the air. As Emily grabs Zoe and rushes to the car as fast as she possibly could they look up. Jason had caught the house on fire; Zach runs to the front door, opening it with ease. It was no longer locked. He rushes to the second floor to see Nick on the floor stained in blood. “What the hell did you do Jason!? He's our friend!” “haha...But I'm not.” Jamie had entered the body of Jason, as he turned around Zach noticed the white eyes, the pale, infected skin; he turned to Zach. “Why'd you leave Zach. We were best friends, I know my parents hated you, that's why I had to do this. I knew you always like my sister, thats why that third noose hangs.” “Jamie?” “Yes! Its Jamie who else would it be. You came here for a reason didn't you Zach, did you miss me, or were you wondering where I went. The funny thing is, is that you havent come around since I was 15 years old!” “Jamie.. I moved on, why are you holding a grudge..” “Because I havent!” Just then Zach walks to the other room telling Jamie, who was in the body of Jason, to hang on one second. He walks into the parents bedroom, in the bedside table layed a 53 caliber gun.. “Jason, were good friends, you were my first friend when I moved to Wintergreen, Just know that you will always be my friend..” “Zach why are you talking like this..?” questioned Jamie. “Because, I've moved on, I have a new life. You're not taking it away from me Jamie!” Just then a loud gun shot is heard, looking from the car the two girls see a flash, thinking the worst. Applying pressure, Zach carries Jason to the car, seeing the ghost of Jamie in the window. “Why'd we even come here Zach.” Questioned Emily. They drove off on the rock road, leaving Jamie and the mysteries left in the house behind.

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