fantasy | Teen Ink


January 18, 2013
By ginger1995 BRONZE, Everson, Washington
ginger1995 BRONZE, Everson, Washington
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Coming of Age

Once upon a time there was this great big green ogre named Shrek. Shrek lived in a huge castle that he built with his friend horsy. Shrek is worshiped by his village. One village citizen notified Shrek that there’s a girl trapped in this tower on top of Mt. Dickson. Now everyone in the valley of Mt. Dickson knows the lagans about the mountain. The legend says that Mt. Dickson is guarded by a force greater than any other. Nobody really knows what’s up there because whoever has seen the force has never returned from the mountain. Now all the village wants is for Shrek to go get this girl that’s trapped on top of the mountain. Shrek tells the village that he will go retrieves the girl from the moutian and then the whole village will celebrate for his return of the girl. Shrek and horsy start to pack it doesn’t take them long because all Shrek grabs is a sword that’s all he thinks he needs horsy doesn’t grab anything because well has a horse. Shrek is a lucky guy because he has horsy as a friend; he could just ride horsy to the mountain instead of walking the whole way there. Mt. Dickson is a 5 day journey to the base of the mountain. So Shrek and horsy say their goodbyes to the village and they get there good lucks and then they head off. 5 days later they get to the base of the mountain with no interruptions. They stay at the base of the mountain for the rest of the day and they’ll head up the mountain during first light in the morning. The next morning Shrek looks at horsy and asks “Are you ready horsy?” horsy replies with enthusiasm “Let’s do this Shrek!!” They start heading up the mountain why’ll horsy just blabs about everything. Shrek loves horsy but one thing that bothers Shrek is constant chatter which horsy is doing. “Shrek what do you think is the great force guarding the mountain?” “Why didn’t god give me wings?” “I wonder if there is there really is a girl on top of the mountain. If so how did she get up here?” Shrek raises his voice with anger and annoyed “SHUUTTT UP HOOORRSSY!!! I don’t care about any of thoughts things let’s just get up this mountain.” Horsy replied with a faint voice “someone woke up on the wrong side of the rock” then its silence. There not even close to the top of the mountain there only a few hours into the day. Hours later the reach the top of this plain on the mountain and there’s this old crumbled up castle all falling apart. They move silently thru the castle because it’s a pretty spooky castle. They get thru the broken down castle with no harm done but at the end of the castle the rest of the way up the mountain is a flight of stairs they aren’t really looking forward to that but at least there halfway there. A few hours pass and there are almost to the top of the mountain but the get to this very old bridge with cracked boards and missing boards in places with lava underneath the bridge so they take precautionary measures while crossing this bridge. They get about halfway on the bridge and horsy notices that there’s something swimming in the lava Shrek didn’t see it but horsy was frightened and ran as fast as he could to the end of the bridge leaving Shrek behind. Shrek looking at horsy seeing how freighted he was ran across as well. They get to this building that the girl was living in for who knows how long and there was no stairs anywhere and this building had to be 100ft tall so Shrek yells “IS ANYONE UP THERE!!?” this pretty girl at the age of about 23 looks out the window of the building and asks “who are you?” Shrek replied “we’re here to save you and bring you back to my village.” She asks Shrek “how am I supposed to get down?” “jump ill catch you.” So she jumps and Shrek catches her yes it was a tremendous jump of 100ft but Shrek being the ogre he his safely caught the girl. Shrek asks “may I get you name young miss?”
“it’s Fiona. Why have you come to save me?” “I was told there was a girl stuck up on top of the mountain that needed saving so I came. Let’s go I have an entire village waiting for your return. They head down the mountain back the way they came yes they were afraid of the bridge but they just ran as fast as they could across. 5 days later they get to the village. Shrek says to the village “I have returned with Fiona the girl that was trapped on top of Mt. Dickson let us feast on her return.” Why’ll the whole villages feasting in Shreks’ castle all of a sudden the castle starts to shake they all wonder what it is until the castles roof just caves in from a 6 headed dragon that must of followed shreks’ sent all the way back to the village. The dragon killed the whole village in the end and all because Shrek was such a nice guy and had to save Fiona un top of Mt. Dickson.
Nobody lives happily ever after

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