Him.. | Teen Ink


February 6, 2013
By ubmecat BRONZE, Salem, Oregon
ubmecat BRONZE, Salem, Oregon
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"This is the beginning of a beautiful friendship."

By Cat
One night while Cat was up late, she heard a knock at the door. When she answered the door she wasn’t surprised to see her best friend Josh. Almost every night Josh would sneak over to Cat’s house, and every night Josh would ask her to walk him home, which she did reluctantly.
As Josh and Cat walked to Josh’s house, they passed a street light. On it was a missing teen poster. “Hey, I know her! That’s Kristy Rivers. Me and her snuck into the cafeteria to smoke, and that’s what started that big fire.”
Josh slurred, “Cool. Hey is that a Daemon?” Josh said he saw a daemon, he claimed it was a large dark figure with claws, fangs with bright red eyes. She didn’t believe him. He was too drunk to be believed. Around two in the morning, they got to Josh’s house. They talked for a minute. In the middle of their conversation a raven flew between them, landed on a tree branch and stared at them. Then Cat started to walk home alone.
Suddenly an angry yell broke the silence of the night. “CAT!” she heard. “CAT!” she heard again. She turned her head slightly to see who was calling her while she began to walk faster. It was a man—tall, with broad shoulders and he looked like he had some muscle to him. HE was dressed all in black, but there was something about his face that told her to run. She picked up her pace even more.
The man was screaming her name now, “CAT! CAT!” HE started to walk after her. The footsteps were like heavy rocks hitting the ground. THUD! THUD! It sounded as if he were wearing boots that could bust a skull in. Cat peeked back once more as he ran under a street light. That’s when she saw it. The burns. They covered half of his face. He had no eye, half a nose and a droopy useless mouth.
At this point, Cat began to run, and HE did too. She ran all the way to her house without even taking a breath. She got inside, locked the door and flopped on the couch trying to catch her breath.
“What’s wrong?” her brother Creig asked looking scared.
She started to tell him what happened when there was a knock at the door. Creig grabbed his knife and slowly unlocked the door. When he did, the door busted open knocking Creig to the floor. Something hit Cat in the head, and she passed out.
When Cat woke up she was in a dark room with no windows and the door was boarded up. As she looked around the room, she saw HIM sitting in a chair with his legs crossed smoking a cigarette.
“I thought you would never wake up,” HE said walking slowly up to her. “Cigarette?” Cat nodded her head. A cigarette sounded good considering the situation. “I’ll be right back,” he said walking towards the pad-locked door by the bed.
As soon as HE left, Cat held the cigarette in her mouth and tried her best to get out of the chains. Nothing worked. All she could think about was, “What’s going to happen to me? What’s happened to Creig? Is he okay?”
HE walked back into the room with a bottle of Gordon’s London Dry Gin in one hand and a rusty butcher knife in the other.
“What are you going to do to me?” Cat shouted angrily. “What did you do with Creig?”
HE didn’t say a word and tipped back the bottle of gin. A few drops came out of his distorted mouth. She asked repeatedly until HE grabbed a dirty rag and gagged her. Into her ear, HE whispered, “No more talking.”
HE sat and watched her for over an hour. HE noticed her eyes—HE couldn’t stop looking at her green-yellow eyes. When the man got out of his chair, he grabbed the knife and put the flat end of the blade to her skin.
“I have a lot planned for you Cat,” HE smiled. Suddenly, he stabbed her hand, slicing through it as if it were butter. Cat tried to scream, but with the rag shoved in her mouth, no sound came out. Next, HE slowly cut her arm—starting at the top of her wrist and finishing at her shoulder. With every slice, Cat learned to block out the pain by thinking about her brother Creig. Cat didn’t know if she was going to live or die, but she hoped she would lay eyes on him again.
The next day was just like the first—HE carefully cut and stabbed. HE unchained Cat, grabbed her by the hair, and threw her to the floor. “You’re going to pay for what you did to me.”
Scared, hurt and weakening, Cat glanced across the room and saw the decaying body of Kristy Rivers. She looked back him and realized why he killed Kristy and why he was going to her. All Cat could say was, “I’m sorry.”
He grabbed the rusty knife and plunged the knife into her chest piercing her heart.
The next day Josh and Creig were in the lunch line at school, Josh gets up to the front to get his food. “Four meat soup today, boys,” HE says with a smile.
“How did you get those burns?” Josh asked.
“Shut up and sit down!” HE said.
After getting their soup they sat down and started eating. “This soup tastes weird,” Creig said. He picked around with it the way a young child plays with their food. Then he saw it—a green and yellow eye bobbing in his soup.

The author's comments:
I liked the way the ending turned out. "Eye" hope you do too.

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