Die Dreaming | Teen Ink

Die Dreaming

February 16, 2013
By RockMe1688 BRONZE, Apple Valley, California
RockMe1688 BRONZE, Apple Valley, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It was cold and rainy I couldn't sleep so I sat there and listened to the sound of the rain tapping against my window. The entire house was quiet for some strange reason my brother wasn't even snoring it made me feel weird not hearing it I sat there for a few minutes still listening to the rain but something was wrong I just knew it but I couldn't tell what it was maybe that is why I couldn't sleep. That was when I heard it police sirens coming towards our house and to make matters worse I didn't know why they were here and it scared me. They had no reason to be out in three o,clock in the morning hopefully they weren't coming this way but they turned into our driveway I could hear the gravel under they're tires then the doorbell rang so I got out of bed and walked down the hallway the cold tile stung my hot feet when I finally got to the front door I took a deep breath and opened the door two cops were there another was getting out of the car as if they needed his help one of the cops at the door was a girl she had short brown hair the other one was a giant man that could probably squish me with his big toe and I doubt he could fit through the door The big man spoke he said "are you Luke Williams" I said yes then he said "is your brother Mike Williams" I said "yes" then the woman asked if they could come in I let them in and they asked me where my brothers room was so I lead them down the hall before I could open my brothers door the cops pushed me out of the way and opened the door i followed the third cop in when I walked in I almost fainted the whole room got hot I tried to yell but nothing came out my brother of twenty three was lying face down in the floor with blood coming out of his side the girl cop checked his pulse and then looked at me with sympathetic eyes and told me he was dead the third cop wanted to know where my parents room was so I pointed down the hall he slowly walked down the hall as if thinking how was he going to tell my parents that their son was dead but then the doorbell rang I started to walk down the hall it felt as if I couldn't breathe when I opened the door I saw a man he had a gun he pointed it at me then I heard a gunshot and everything went black suddenly I was on the floor in my room gasping for air blankets were all around me I looked at the clock it said Five O,clock I got up and ran down the hall and saw my brother asleep it was all a dream

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