Human | Teen Ink


March 15, 2013
By BookWorm14 BRONZE, Norman, Oklahoma
BookWorm14 BRONZE, Norman, Oklahoma
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Stay Gold" -The Outsiders

We have been hiding out for weeks. It feels weird, I haven't stayed in the same place for this long before. Well, at least before the apocalypse started. That's right, the world has practically ended. We, meaning the five us are still alive. The rest are just walking corpses. I'm getting worried though, the longer we stay the more vulnerable we are and are more prone to being found. We all dread the day that we might be found, because if we are, we'll be dead meat...literally.
Supplies is getting scarce and it is about time we fill the emptiness in our stomachs. This is the scariest part though. I live in constant fear that I'll be dead, alive or worse as one of them. Those flesh eating monsters. The poor, helpless souls encased in a world of decay and misery. Though, off we go to the hell hole of a city called Chicago.
To be cautious and safe we load as much ammunition we can handle. Our old pick up truck takes us to an abandoned gas station. There we move fast, locking the doors on the inside, and grabbing everything in sight. It is taking longer than I expected though, more and more precious time is slipping away from us. Just as we're halfway through there's a bang at the front of the gas station. We all freeze. A million things go through my mind. I think, it could be just the wind or something falling off a shelf. Hoping for the best, I slowly turn my head towards the front. The time I have been dreading has come, my fears have been confirmed...

They're here.

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