The Cliff | Teen Ink

The Cliff

March 15, 2013
By Carina_G BRONZE, Pasco, Washington
Carina_G BRONZE, Pasco, Washington
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“C’mon!” David urged Kim as they approached the edge. He didn’t have a problem with jumping off a 250 ft. cliff, after all he had been doing cliff diving for almost 2 years. David had the body of an athlete; he was tall 17 year old, 6 foot 2, green eyed, dark brown haired guy who loved the adrenaline rush of living life on the edge. Unlike his girlfriend Kim, they only had a couple of things in common, like they were both very outgoing and they both loved to go out and do things and have fun with each other. She was very pretty as well, blond hair, 5 foot 7 girl blue eyed and slender body. Kimberly didn’t live life as David, when it came down to risking her life for some excitement; she just never took the chances.
“No way!” Kim shouted once she glanced how high they were from the water. David, with a comforting smile on his face, then he extended his hand towards Kim and with a comforting voice he said to her, “Just take my hand and hold on, so we both can jump together.” Kim looked again at the water and turned to David. She then took a deep breath and said, “David I’m scared, what if I fall on top of your head and knock you out, or if I hurt myself on a rock!? Anything can go wrong!” She turned around and swinging her arms to the sides she started to say, “No, No, No! I’m not doing it! David you jump instead, I’m walking back down to shore.” and Kim proceeded to walk away.
David, who was on the edge of the cliff, tried to run toward Kim to stop her, but his foot slipped on the gravel, “AHHH!” David shouted, his body had lost its balance and went backwards over the cliff. When Kim heard his shout, she screamed, “David, David!” She could feel fear rushing through her body as she ran to the edge. When she reached the edge of the cliff she saw David barely holding on to a large root sticking out of the cliff. David begged her for help, “Kim, Kim HELP ME! I’m too close to the cliff to let go!” Kim could see that if he did let go, he would hit the rocks on his way down the cliff and for sure he would be a goner.
“Hold on David!” Kim told him, and then she laid down on her stomach near the edge so she could reach David’s hand. “Grab on to my hand!” Kim yelled. David stretched his hand and so did Kim, but they needed a couple of inches left to grab on to each other’s hands. “C’mon David!” Kim yelled. As she scooted a bit further off the cliff dust and small rocks fell on David’s face. She knew she couldn’t stretch any further or else she would fall off the cliff. Once Kim noticed they weren’t getting nowhere, she started to yell for help but she felt hopeless because nobody was around. Both she and David skipped summer school that hot summer day to go to the river and spend time together. David was also thinking the same thing, he remembered Kim telling him not to go on the cliff because it could be dangerous and they were both alone. But he didn’t listen. Since she had never jumped off a cliff before, he figured she was being a little over dramatic.
After 10 minutes of struggling to grab each other’s hands in the hot temperature and with the sun hovering over them, it made her and David weak and sweaty. David decided to take a leap, with luck he was able to grasp Kim’s hand. Kim was barely able to hold on to his hand with her sweaty palm. David hung in mid air for another couple of minutes. Kim slowly started to pick herself up with one hand until she was bending her knees. “I can’t David! Hold... On... Any… Longer…” Kim said. She started to hesitate once she realized she was losing her balance. David knew he had to act fast if he didn’t want Kim to let go, so he tried to catch surface with his feet, but the cliff was curved at the top and he wasn’t able to step on anything. David noticed she wasn’t able to hold on any longer so he told her, “Kim… Let go! You can’t go any longer, and I’m not taking you with me!”
Kim could feel David’s hand sliding off her sweaty palm, so she quickly grabbed it with her other hand. She pulled and pulled yelling, “No! I’m not leaving here without you!” Tears from frustration filled over both their eyes. Finally after more struggle, Kim knew she had to use all her straight to pull both of them up and land on the ground. She shouted to David, “Bare with me David, I got you!” Kim started to pull and pull, her knees started to straighten up and at the final pull David felt himself lift. Both sighed with relief, but Kim had backed up too hard and her right foot slipped on the same gravel David did. She lost her balance completely, and with the weight of David, they both were pulled down the cliff, hitting on the rocks on their way down. The young couple who struggled for their lives floated in a pool of blood in the water, their bodies later washed to shore. David had suffered head trauma, barely unrecognizable with scratches all over his body and both his feet almost ripped off. Kimberly’s left cheek was ripped away, her blond locks turned red from all the blood, right arm bent backwards and a huge hole was cut opened at her waist. Their lives were washed away like many others from the cliff.

The author's comments:
A young couple fight for life or death at the edge of a cliff. Will they make it?

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