A nightmarish reality | Teen Ink

A nightmarish reality

March 19, 2013
By Erin Sofianek BRONZE, Bozeman, Montana
Erin Sofianek BRONZE, Bozeman, Montana
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I awoke to the revolting stench of sulfur. It overwhelmed my senses. I was so shell shocked that I barely realized I wasn’t in my own room. But then it hits me. I was no longer safe. They had found us at last. I trembled with fear because I knew they would show no mercy even if we gave information. My heart began pounding. I tried to get up, but I fell, for my mind was so dazed with fear that it could not control my body.
Just when I was about to go into a full-fledged panic attack, the wall, formerly hidden in shadows, exploded with an ear shattering BOOM. A scream ripped from my mouth against my will! What was going on? My heart seized up. I was expecting a large man with a gun to enter through the gaping area but what was there was much more terrible. The creature that stepped out of the jagged hole belonged in my worst nightmares.
It was skeletally tall, towering over me by several significant feet. Evil looking black tendrils trailed from its body like mist in a graveyard. My petrified gaze traveled up to its torso, except the torso was not there. The legs just kept going up until they ended with a little bow tie. I might have laughed if I wasn’t so scared. Then my gaze traveled upward a bit further. There was no head, only a giant eyeball slowly revolving. The center was a blood red with a malicious stare. The eye seemed to hypnotize me and fill me with dread. I was helpless to move as the one long arm stretched for me. Dagger like claws protruded from the fingers. xIt captured me with one painful scratch. I could not move. It was as though poison were seeping into my blood.
My mouth grew dry, making speaking impossible. I felt like ice. I could barely breathe. The harsh Florissant light burned my eyes. My muscles clenched in pain. The light began to fade until my vision was merely a blur. The creature approached me and I shrieked as a large beak grew right out of the center of the eye. It creaked open to reveal teeth the size of kitchen knifes. I knew nothing could save me. All would be lost. They would extract my memory and murder everyone that knew of our cause. It drew closer still and with a ferocious snap of it’s beak my body erupted with excruciating pain. Before the world went black I only had time to register that nothing in this world would ever be the same. The rules of reality no longer applied. With a final choked cry I gave in to the darkness.

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