World War III | Teen Ink

World War III

April 7, 2013
By Lissa Jules BRONZE, Miramar, Florida
Lissa Jules BRONZE, Miramar, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

World War III

It is year 2020 three years after the Third World War. The planet is in complete ruins with the five years of abuse from a chemical nuclear weapons war. The effects of this war are extremely atrocious, not just to the environment, but also to the race of human beings. The radiation in the air was so strong after the war that certain human’s genetic makeup altered completely, turning them into zombie like creatures.

Those who were able to escape from the effects of the radiation went to an island in the far Pacific named Jumba. The island is currently the home of Sarah, Tom, Fred, and Jessica, four scientists who worked for the United States government to develop the chemical nuclear weapons. Sarah and Tom are married and are good friends with Fred and Jessica. They knew about the power of the weapons but they did not expect this much annihilation, so they all escape before the damage became severe.

The four scientists were holding on to the guilt of being apart of the destruction of the planet and human race. Although, they all share a secret that could eliminate the radiation in the land. There is a missile-bomb located underneath the White House in Washington DC. This bomb contains a chemical that would wipe out the radiation and turn the humans back to their normal state. The only way to activate this bomb is to pour the fluid called Discorn into the bomb. While the scientists were in the island they were figuring out how to develop a stronger version of Discorn since they lost all the supplies of this fluid back in the states. Now that the new version of Discorn is produced, Sarah, Tom, Fred, and Jessica are about put their lives at risk by traveling back to DC so they can restore mankind.
During the jet ride to DC, the four scientists are thinking about the dangers they are going to face on their quest to activate the bomb. They only have twenty-four hours to be in the city before the radiation in the air they breathe in effects their bodies and transforms them into zombie creatures. The zombies have an appetite for raw meat and will attack any specimen they spot. Although the zombies are sensitive to light and only come out into the streets during night time and reside in caliginous places. The scientists are prepared for the zombies carrying weapons to defend themselves throughout their journey.

The jet landed and the way DC looked before the war is distinctive from the way it looks now. The scientists cannot even recognize where they were. Sarah dropped herself to her knees and bust into tears yelling, "Look what I have done, look what I have done"! She could not stand the site of seeing a town in complete wreckage knowing that she participated in this demolishment. Tom helped his wife up and comfort her. "We could have prevented this war!" said Sarah. “Nothing could have prevented this, war will happen whether we helped out not. In the beginning of time mankind started with war and it ended with war.” Tom replied. They started making their way to the White House feeling cautious of their surroundings.

Three hours passed and the sun is setting. The scientists are panicking, worrying about the zombies appearing. Fifteen minutes later they reach the White House. Certain parts of the White House are completely wrecked. One of the most gorgeous buildings in the United States is completely ruin because of the consequences of war. Outside is pitch black and fear ran through the scientist’s veins. They entered the White House with their flashlights heading to the secret passageway underground.

Sarah hears odd noises, “Did you guys hear that?” she said. Everybody startled with anxiety. “It’s getting louder!” said Tom. The group started dashing towards the secret passageway and right ahead of them were ten massive zombies. Tom, Fred, and Jessica started to open fire on the zombies. Sarah froze in fear, “Sarah move!” said Tom. Shooting at two zombies headed for Sarah. Fred sees another zombie approaching Sarah from the back, runs after her, and tackles her to the ground while opening fire to the zombie. “Honey! What are doing? You have to defend yourself against these creatures because they will eat you alive!” Tom bellowed. Sarah was shaking and was unresponsive. "Baby do you hear me! Sarah, SARAH!" Sarah eyes were wide open and she was not blinking. Her pupils were dilated and her skin was turning pale. Tom noticed a bite on Sarah's arm. Fred and Jessica finish off the zombies and ran up to Sarah and Tom. "She is going to turn into one of them,” said Fred. "We have to get underground before other zombies come after us." said Jessica. Tom started to cry, kissed his wife, and told her that he loved her and he will come back for her later.

The group went underground and located the missile-bomb. They spent thirty minutes cracking down the code. Once that was completed, a little hole opened to insert the Discorn fluid so it could activate. Jessica and Fred heard another odd noise and stepped aside to see if more zombies were approaching. In the meanwhile Tom was searching for the Discorn fluid in his bag. He heard his friends screaming in dreadful pain. He immediately ran to check up on them, just to find their body parts scattered on the ground, with a zombie devouring one of his friend’s leg. The zombie started chasing after him and Tom ran as fast as possible so he could reach the missile-bomb, pour the fluid, and activate it. When the zombie got closer and closer, he took out his firearm in one hand and was holding the fluid in the other hand. Squinting his eyes, he noticed that the zombie in front of him was not any other zombie, but his beloved wife Sarah. “My love! My love! It is I, your husband!” Tom cried out. But the zombie Sarah just roared. “I can not kill you.” Tom whispered to himself. He poured the fluid into the missile-bomb and dropped his weapon, “I love Sarah.”

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