Ghost Story | Teen Ink

Ghost Story

April 16, 2013
By Jayyyy BRONZE, Coral Springs, Florida
Jayyyy BRONZE, Coral Springs, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A cool breeze accompanied the still and silent night. The sky was clear and the moon was full. It was a beautiful scene. The moon shone along Chicago’s skyline in the distance, and the water reflected the brilliance of the moon. A lone albatross glided over the water. The waves lapped peacefully at the rocks along the shore. In the distance along the shore, a lighthouse could be seen, with its bright light slowly rotating. The lone fisherman cast out his net into the deep waters of Lake Michigan, where he fished every day. Using the crane attached to his boat, he pulled up his catch, which was quite a big one. The crane moved the contents of the net over the deck. The man untied the net and let the contents pour out onto the deck. He let out a cry of terror. Amongst the writhing fish was the body of a woman. The body was almost completely decomposed. The only way one could tell that it was a woman was from the tattered old wedding dress that she was wearing when she died.

The fisherman immediately began heading back to shore. When he got to the dock, he immediately called the police to report the body. The police arrived and asked the fisherman to show them the body. He rushed them to the boat, but the body had disappeared. He fisherman was dumbfounded. Had he not just seen the horrid sight of a corpse in a wedding dress just twenty minutes ago? The police were convinced that he was playing a joke on them so they left. The fisherman was left distraught and without a clue. He headed back to his lone house in the Chicago suburbs.

As he was driving, he turned on the radio to take his mind of the strange occurrence that night. As he was tuning the radio to his favorite station, he felt a bump as his car hit something. The car screeched to a halt and the fisherman got out to investigate what happened. In front of the car, lying on the road was the same body that had been on his boat earlier. This time he was really freaked out. He called the police and kept his eyes on the body the whole time. The same officers from earlier in the night came. The fisherman looked up and motioned for them to come over. “Here’s the body!” he yelled. The officers came over. The fisherman looked back down and on the ground lay… nothing. The officers threatened to take legal action if he ever again falsely called them. The fisherman became distraught and rushed back to the safety of his home. He quickly undressed and went to bed, but he couldn’t sleep and kept thinking of the body. As he tossed and turned on his bed, he suddenly felt something next to him. He turned on the lights, and next to him lay the body. The fisherman let out a cry and jumped off the bed. The body got up and started talking. Her voice came out raspy and hollow. “Do you know who I am? Do you know why I am here?” The fisherman cried out, “who are you and why do you want from me?” The corpse responded, “Your father and I were supposed to marry. On the day of our marriage he eloped with another woman, your mother. I was so heartbroken and distraught that I drowned myself in Lake Michigan that day. He and his family deserve to pay, and now I will appear and haunt you wherever you go.”
The fisherman couldn’t stand it any longer. He started yelling “leave me! leave me!” and he ran out of his house. But everywhere he ran, the corpse appeared in his vision. Standing there and haunting him. He kept on yelling and screaming until his neighbors called the police. The same officers arrived and subdued him. They pinned him on the floor and handcuffed him, as he writhed and screamed “make her go away!” His mind had lapsed into insanity, and he was sent to live in a mental hospital.
The nurse at the mental ward was registering the fisherman’s name into the system. “Bob Dylan? His father was admitted here ten years ago…”
Meanwhile, Craig Dylan was operating a bulldozer, clearing soil at a construction site. He saw white cloth poking out of the unearthed gravel and got out to investigate…

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