The Mission | Teen Ink

The Mission

May 2, 2013
By WriterGirl786 BRONZE, Schaumburg, Illinois
WriterGirl786 BRONZE, Schaumburg, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Something wrapped was ticking. Probably a bomb Emma thought, the last thing I need. Four minutes that’s all she had, she turned and continued the task with a now very real sense of urgency. Now her life depended on the half disabled panel in front of her. There was no other exit.

The ceiling cracked. Then it fell through with Evan just barley escaping it. He rushed to the only opening he could see, the corner of the room. The debris piled up in front trapping him. The ceiling was still creaking. The only other way out was by an air duct. He had to remove the cover then shimmy down fast before the rest fell and flattened him. No pressure he thought.

A fire crackled. A warm cup of coffee steamed. The woman in the armchair leaned back. A smile played on her blood red lips. Perfect, she thought, the perfect way to finish it off. She had them where she wanted now all she had to do was wait.
Emma forced herself to concentrate. The panel was delicate. One wrong move and she would lose her only hope of escape. But timer was ticking, one more minute to go and she was at the most intricate component of the panel. Her hands knew what to do but the bomb was unnerving them and they trembled slightly as she worked. The beeping got louder, she was running out of time. With five seconds to go she made the last cut. She turned to the door expectantly; it was opening but very slowly. She wouldn’t have enough time to make it out. She got down on one knee and tucked her head down counting the last seconds under her breath. At one the beeping stopped for a bit and Emma held her breath. As the bomb exploded, she rolled out the half open door barley making it out alive.
Evan couldn’t breathe right. The air duct was to cramped and he was making about as much progress as a snail. He could hear the ceiling was breaking away slightly around other parts of the room. However his major worry lay in the deep rumbling noise he could hear approaching. If he had judged the noise correctly the magnitude of the fall following it would bring down more than the ceiling of one room. He needed to get out of this duct and into the main one fast. But the space was cramped and he needed more time. He tried to shimmy faster and made it into the main air duct, at least his hands did. The rumbling was getting closer. He felt around for something to help him get out faster. His hand fastened around a wire. He bent the strong coil by pushing against the duct then tossed that end. It didn’t catch onto anything as he had hoped. The rumbling continued, closer than ever. He moved around the wire until he got a good hold and started to pull himself out. The ceiling was falling and making its way down the duct. Evan pulled as hard as he could and made it out as the ceiling collapsed taking his shoe. He quickly slid down another duct hoping it led to safety.
Emma straightened herself and ran out into the corridor. Her escape was interrupted by something that had appeared out of the wall. She backed up and got ready to fight. However, as the person who had just appeared stood up, Emma smiled. Evan smiled back then a look of determination crossed his face. Emma met the challenge and the two stood and looked at each other. No doubt having a telepathic conversation only twins can have. Then both smiled an identical smile and raced down the corridor. But there troubles had not yet ended. Two men stood guarding the door of the room they needed to get into. There was a stare down moment between the four then fighting ensued. Punches, kicks and blocks tested the kid’s black belt karate skills. Emma and Evan stared to tire but the bodyguards were not willing to stop. During the fight the two kids looked at each other. Emma conveyed, Plan 26, and Evan agreed. Both started to run back the way they came and the guards chased them down. At the last moment Emma and Evan made sharp turns and quickly ran to the now unguarded door. They rushed inside and locked it gasping. A woman with her back toward them stood up. She slowly turned and stared at the two teens. Both were tattered, messy, and exhausted yet they still met the woman in the eye. A moment of silence passed and the clock ticking could be heard. The woman wore an impassive face that then turned into a huge, warm, and proud smile identical to that of her children.

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