The Missing Drugs | Teen Ink

The Missing Drugs

May 9, 2013
By Alycia David BRONZE, Monte Vista, Colorado
Alycia David BRONZE, Monte Vista, Colorado
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Lan frowned softly, at first it had seemed as a close and shut murder…however the deeper he looked the more he saw something bigger. The hotel owners were hyping on him to find evidence that showed in their favor, telling him to rush and that it didn’t matter as long as he helped them-as the victim’s family had started a lawsuit against them. He couldn’t just let this go, after all a woman had been murdered with experimental drugs and it was likely that she was only one in skew of others.
The private detective sighed while looking at the video cameras; so far it showed the woman going in and out of the hotel many times. However, when she went back in the last time the cameras never caught her leaving again. So, how had a woman disappeared from her hotel room and end up in the weeds along the bay, shot full of drugs and dead? It wasn’t the cameras that were the problem, he knew that-for the police had tried to get past at slow speeds and varying angles, every time the motion cameras caught them.
So if it wasn’t the cameras at fault, then how did the woman get out of the hotel? The window was out because there was no sign of the bushes being crushed and no sign of struggle around the area. The woman had not walked out so how….Lan froze and narrowed his eyes at the screen. There was a man that had carried a suitcase a couple minutes ago, he had gone out and put the bag in the car, so why was he coming back to the room? Why didn’t he leave after he took the bag out? He rewound the tape and watched it slowly, observing the man and the bag. The bag was big enough to put a body in-when he accounted to the fact that the man was large enough to make the bag look small. Lan looked at the tape and watched the man’s trip out of the hotel, THERE! The bag went over the elevator crack and caught briefly, making the man tug at the bag to get it out. If it was just clothing then the bag wouldn’t have gotten caught.
Lan’s next step took him to buying a suitcase of the exact size and dimension of the one the man had. Then he hired a young woman, roughly the same size as the dead lady, and had her get into the bag. He then zipped it up-she fit! People were skeptical of Lan’s discovery but he kept at it, and he found the man’s identity after many searches. When Lan met the man and asked for DNA the suspect agreed to give up some blood samples to see if they matched the blood and skin found under the victim’s fingernails.
They matched, and the man was taken to trial, however, as there wasn’t much of a case against him and he insisted that he had tried to flirt with the woman and she had just slapped him hard enough to take skin, Lan knew that he needed more evidence. So he took the man’s DNA and had it put into CODIS-Combined DNA Index System-and sure enough there were matches, the man had left a trail. All of the DNA matches led to experimental drug assaults and there were witnesses-for only the one at the hotel had died directly from the drugs. All of the victims were of around the same age, with blond hair and blue eyes. One was a young man that had bitten his attacker and had his blood between his teeth-he remembered the attack well, the drugs had no bad effects on him other than tinting his formerly blond hair a bright blue in UV light. The next was a young lady who had lost half of her full memory and now acted ditzy most the time-where before she had been an up and coming doctor. The vial of blood she had been taking from her patient at the time of her attack was full of the suspect’s blood. Finally, the last victim had died of a heart attack exactly one year before Lan took the case. She had been admitted to a home beforehand-the attack had left her brain-dead, the blood had been found on a pocketknife found in her hand.
The man was proven to have been at all the places of the attacks during the same time, and the young man correctly identified the suspect in court. Although, the young woman could do nothing, the man was convicted of being guilty and thrown in jail for life on charges of human experimentation, kidnapping, attempted murder, and murder. Although, all the evidence Lan had found did not help the hotel in the lawsuit he was happy, for he had found his man.

The author's comments:
A real case became the basic back story for this piece, however,the actual story was different.This story was written purely for the entertainment of the reader.

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