Gone... | Teen Ink


May 13, 2013
By estefany BRONZE, Richfield, Minnesota
estefany BRONZE, Richfield, Minnesota
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I woke up today crying from a terrible dream/flashback I had. It was normal, because today was June 26, my little sister Annie’s birthday, she was supposed to be turning ten this year. I remember when she would eagerly talk about how excited she would be when she turns the big ten, she would always talk about finally hitting double digits! The sad part was she never had the chance to hit those double digits...because of me! My little sister was found dead in an alley two years ago!

I still remember that horrid day, she was dressed in her big poofy red polka dotted dress, and her pink tails. She was such a happy eight year old kid, every parent on the block would always talk about how adorable and well mannered she was. Of course, like any other brother I envied her, I was a twelve year old scrawny guy with brown baggy hair that covered most of my eyes. My name is Oscar, which I always hated, made me feel even more wimpy then I already was. Back to what I was saying, it was a perfect sunny day, it was also my sister’s eighth birthday. My family and I decided to celebrate her birthday at her favorite amusement park.

My family and I had to wake up extra early that Saturday, which was not all that fun considering that it was a weekend and yet I still had to wake up at six in the morning because the park was far away! My mom invited most of my family members around, knowing that I did not get along with much of them which angered me even more. The car ride was long, hot, and I was beginning to feel very car sick. Finally, we got out of the little cramped car and headed toward the line to enter the amusement park. Most of my family members were already inside the amusement park. After we paid and got our bracelets, which allowed us to ride the rides, we stepped into the park. The park was cramped with a lot of people, who were rushing. there were kids yelling and complaining about the long lines, and everywhere you went it smelled like hot dog! At first the smell was okay, but after awhile it began to get annoying.

My parents, of course, put me in charge of Annie, which almost made me go insane! Annie and I went on many rides ( all were her choice though). After a few dreadful hours, I could not go on anymore, I was exhausted, hungry, and all I wanted was to sit down. My legs were so tired I felt as if any moment I would collapse onto the hard concrete floor! I called my parents and immediately started complaining, about how I felt, and how I couldn’t go on any further. I could tell my mom was trying to calm me down, but every time she tried I would interrupt her, until finally I let her say what she wanted to say. “ Honey, please calm down, your father and I are with your aunt and uncle.” I replied saying “ Mom! I’m starving and very tired can we please eat now, if I don’t eat soon I will die!” She gave a little chuckle then she went on to say “ I doubt that will happen, but okay ,your father and I will meet Annie and you in fifteen minutes at the food court okay?”

“Thank God! finally!” I then hung up and turned to Annie and told her the plan. She got sad, and started to complain “ I don’t wanna go eat, I am not hungry!” I tried to be patient with her and say “ Annie, please try and understand, I know its your birthday and all, but I’m hungry I didn’t even have enough time for breakfast!” She gave me face, and stuck out her tongue at me. I didn’t mind it that much, considering I get that face about three times everyday. “Come on Annie lets go, food will do both of us good, now come on and stop acting like such a whiney baby!” Annie began to cry and yell “ I DON’T want to leave I DON’T and I WON’T !” My face turned red like a tomato, she was causing a huge scene, people even began to look at us. I tried to make her stop crying. I told her that after we are done eating that we would come back! She insisted that she wanted to stay, so I told her that we can ride one more ride, but then we would have to go eat. Her face lit up, like when a child receives a candy, she began to jump up and down.

I called my parents telling them we might be a little late, and that we’ll meet them there. Once the whole ride was over and we were headed toward the food court, I saw one of my friends on the way there. She was a really good friend, her name is Rosie, I waved hello, and then started heading toward her. Before I did anything though, I told Annie to stay put, and not move a muscle “ I’ll be right back ok, just give me five minutes.” She said okay, and stayed there.

When I was done talking to my friend, and I turned around, my heart sank. It was so sudden, I felt as if I couldn’t breath! I stood there in shock, because Annie was gone! I started yelling “Annie! Annie! where are you! This isn’t funny!” When there was no reply my throat filled with tears, I went insane looking for her! I began asking people if they had seen her, all of them said no, others I could tell didn’t even care, they just said no so that I could leave!

I rushed, and sprinted to the food court, I was constantly bumping into people. I didn’t care, all I could think about was Annie, I needed to tell my parents. As soon as I got there, I quickly gasped for air and then I spit out every little detail about Annie’s disappearance. My mom began to cry and started to deny what I was saying, I could tell she was very hurt, just like any other mom, who just lost her only eight year old daughter!

My whole family began looking for her, we all split up, and began to shout for her! Once we couldn’t find her we began to call the staff for help. They asked for pictures, they kept asking me questions, but at the end of the day there was no hope, my little sister, Annie was now a missing child! She was on the news for the first few weeks, my mom would call the newspaper and tell them to put her name under missing children. I didn’t even go to school, how could I!

Life was bad, eventually I had to go to school, my parents insisted! They didn’t blame me for her missing appearance, but I knew that it was my fault! Everyday my mom would cry and my parents began to argue, and blame each other for her missing appearance! My life was falling apart! It had passed two months since my sister had disappeared, our other family members were very supportive in every way.

One rainy day, we got a phone call, it was from the police! They said they found my sister! My whole family leaped for joy! We all thought that meant she was alive and healthy, but we were wrong! They shortly said “ I’m so sorry, but that’s not what we meant, what we meant to say was that we found your daughter...dead.” My whole family was sobbing, in less than a second!

They went on to tell us that they found her body in an alley, she was raped and murdered. They think that it was a serial killer who they have been trying to track down for a long time. They said “We’re very sorry for your loss, we tried our best to find her, but we had no luck!” My family left and everything changed from then on, mom and dad rarely talked, and now everybody knows me as the kid whose sister got murdered! I didn’t get much sleep that night, and I bet my parents didn’t either. I still remember saying to myself that night “ Why me? Why my family? Why God why, did we have to go through this?” That's how my sister died, that day will always be remembered.

My mom left to go work, my dad was at his work too, so I was left alone. I couldn't help, but to cry ! After that terrible flashback, I washed my face, and went downstairs and made myself breakfast. I sat down to watch tv, I thought it just might distract me a little, so I turned on the television and began scrolling down some channels. There was nothing on, so I just began watching the news.
I was in the kitchen when something caught my eye, I dropped my glass of orange juice and widened my eyes. They said there was a little girl who was found in an alley, dead! They say that she was raped and murdered just like, Annie Glen and other girls! The news said the serial killer is still on the loose he has killed more than 30 girls already! He will strike again, the police is trying to do whatever they can to find him, but he is a very sneaky man.They then showed a picture of him, and I immediately recognized him he was the man who was next to Annie and me in one of the lines for a ride...

The author's comments:
One of my teachers assigned us to write a fiction piece as homework. I thought for a while of what I wanted to have mine be about. At first I wanted to have my story be about love and romance. I shorty changed my mind, because I wanted my story to be interesting for both boys and girls. Therefore, I decided to go with a thriller, because almost everybody loves a thriller.

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