Devil's Playroom | Teen Ink

Devil's Playroom

May 17, 2013
By BridgetteR17 GOLD, Littleton, Colorado
BridgetteR17 GOLD, Littleton, Colorado
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Almost every wise saying has an opposite one, no less wise, to balance it.
George Santayana

Darkness closes in the quiet empty rooms.The candle dances in the darkness.Whispers are heard throughout the room.Monsters lurch in the rest of the rusty home.The sun shines bright outside until the moon comes.Love sweeps the air with comforting arms wrapped around a scared couple.The door creaks open... screams... silence.The house has witnessed another murder in the same room again.The room which many have been murdered is the devil's playroom.Only brave holy souls come to beat the devil's games.Many innocent teens are trapped with the devil inside and they are brought to his playroom.Where a brave holy man will try to rip the devil out of the innocent teens' bodies. When the ceremony occurs screams and heads turn.Bones break the cross holds up a fight and so does the holy man.Teens aren't the same after this traumas if they survive.This house has seen many murderers and just witnessed another.

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