Webster college | Teen Ink

Webster college

May 14, 2013
By Books4ever SILVER, Tipp City, Ohio
Books4ever SILVER, Tipp City, Ohio
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“There comes a time when the world gets quiet and the only thing left is your own heart. So you'd better learn the sound of it. Otherwise you'll never understand what it's saying.”
― Sarah Dessen, Just Listen

As we drove the car down the winding dirt road, we approached a sign. It read: Welcome to Webster College! The sign was an old piece of board held by a 2 by 4 hammered in the ground.

Okay, just breathe.

I thought to myself as i clenched my fists and sat on my hands. Mom slowed the car and sniffled. As we got closer we caught sight of a bridge, and a parking lot.

Just take a deep breathe!

Mom parked the car and we sat in silence. “well,” she said breaking the silence, “we walk the rest of the way.”

Her voice was filled with dread, like she was walking me to my death. Neither of us moved. I stared straight ahead trying to put my mind on something, anything.

the bridge looked nice as it laid on top of a flowing river. when you look past the bridge and it`s river, you see the campus. the road leading to the entrance to the school was just as twisty turny as the road that brought them to the lovely sight. curving and dipping here and there.

then, all of a sudden the path got straighter and wider. then it ended. with a huge tree in the middle of the now semi circle. behind the tree was a big building with half windows everywhere except for the front. next to the big building, i'm assuming is a church.

what looked to be a bell tower as the front of the building. the door to the church was a double door that had crosses on each door. beyond the front and on the side of the church was stain glass windows, with classic pictures of jesus, Mary, and the barn. Also along the wall was ivy and thorns rapping around the windows and roof.

“Honey?” Mom asked

I screeched and popped up while hitting my head on the roof of the car.

“We should go and let the school know we are here.” she continued evenly.

“Do i have to go, right now?” I asked in a voice that made me sound like a kid afraid to go to bed because of the boogie monster.

“Juliet, you have to go. this is your big chance to do something with your life. Don't worry, i'm coming too and we can come to get your stuff later on.” she said with a brave face.

“okay” Feeling like the boogie monster was reaching his arm out from under my bed, ready to get me.

we got out of the car and started walking toward the school, when we approached the building i couldn't help myself from reaching out toward my mother. When we went inside my mom and i reached a desk where a plump little women sat. she was maybe about 45 years old and smelled like baby powder.
“May I help you sugar?” she said in a southern drawl.

She asked while taking her classes off. They were pink, as was her outfit. The lady pointed us in the right direction and we headed to the door.

On the way to keep distracted i named the little office lady Pinky Sue, how cute.My mom stopped infront of the door labled:


in big, black, bold letters.

My mom knocked and grabbed my hand. The door opened and i knew, the boogie monster had me and he wasn't letting go.

* * * *

“Sweetheart, i love you.” My mother said with a trembling lip and a tear ready to fall.

“I love you too mom, tell Mellie that i miss her.” I replied urgently, wishing my baby sister was with me. Begging me to come home with her, because i would have.

“okay, Juls, call me when you get all unpacked.” Mom replied getting into the car and gripping the steering wheel.

“I will.” Not wanting to be left, but knowing it was not up to her. I watched my mom go, not knowing it would be the last i see her. Even after she was far from sight i sat there... wishing.

Half an hour later i got up and numbly walk to my dorm room. I am the first of many to arrive, and i have no bunk mate. Just me and my thoughts....

Not good.

In my dorm i strip, and get into the shower. i haven't cried yet. So i take this time and let the tears mix with the steamy water. I sit there and sob like a baby until i am so tired and light headed. I step out of the shower and look at myself in the mirror, at myself.

I am a blonde, with green eyes. I have my mother's nose and my dad`s oval shaped head. Mom always said that I was so pale that I could be a vampire... sometimes I used to daydream about the wonderful things I could do if I was. But that`s when reality came out to play. I have always had fat cheeks, well chubby if not fat and never really liked my eyebrows.

I make a sigh and head out of the bathroom... to bed. But instead of the beautiful, blood sucking monster... I dream about the mother of all monsters. The Boogie monster.

* * * *

Two weeks later....
“Yeah mom, I miss you too. Tell Mellie that I love her.Bye.”

Oh. My. Goodness.

I just need to calm down. but I couldn't, and I knew it.

Bang. Bang. Bang.

Then silence, the lights shut off and I had a feeling that it wasn't just my room.

“Slowly,” I thought, “Slow down, do not panic, don't make a noise.”

I repeated this to myself as I lifted myself off my bed and walk across the floor.Not knowing what was going on, I slipped on my running shoes, grabbed my cell and headed out.

I closed my door as soundlessly as possible and turned to face the dark.

“Who are you?” I heard and felt as if I were the one screaming.

“No!” Bang. Silence.

Slowly I walk up against the wall, guiding myself down and out toward the door.Then I ran. There were cars parked in the lawn, on the side walk, everywhere.

I ran right past, like an idiot.

I didn't realize where I was running to, until I got there. I ran inside and went to the front desk looking for Pinky Sue. She wasn't there so I went to the directors office. Bad mistake.

I grabbed the handle and slammed into the room. Then I froze.

In the room was the director, Pinky Sue,two thugs, and a girl with a gun pointed to her head.

“Oh god!” I shrieked as I turned to run away. But a thug was already coming at me, fast. He grabbed my arm, I spun around and smacked him in the nose. I hope it broke.

He stumbled back and I turned around to run. But then I heard a click and then a deep voice say, “Don't move unless you want to die.”

I stopped and the thug whose first attempt to catch me failed had grabbed me again. He whacked my head with something black making my head whip back. Then Blackness.

Now here I am, on the ground with my hands and feet tied. In the director's office with that girl laying on me. The smell of blood was very strong. I blinked a few times and looked up.

The thugs were still here but now they are chatting like old friends. Pinkey Sue is gone, vanished.

“Alright boys, gather your forces back. we have two girls... thats enough for now.” the director was saying to the thugs.

Pinky Sue came back with a pair of keys and a mop.

“Don`t know why we couldn't have told the janitor.” she grumbled “Don't know why you had to get things splattered with blood! Make my job easier and go outside.”

Oh god, I have got to get out of here! I need to untie my hands or free my feet or...

Her thoughts were interrupted by shouting. The thug she hadn't hit was worried.

“Why do we need the girls?” He bellowed

“If i didn't know any better Tom, I would have thought you were questioning me!” the director said icily.

Tom looked over at me and the girl. We locked eyes and he gasped.

“What now?” the direction snapped whipping his head around. Then he was getting up and walking toward me.

“Ah, hello Juliet. We are going to be friends... for a while.” he said in a nasty, snotty voice.

“Why?” I asked in a low muffled voice

“Why? Well because I want something and I always get what I want.” with that he snapped his fingers.

Then there was black.

The boogie monster has fed off of me and saunters off for his next kill.

God help them.

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