"You Lose" | Teen Ink

"You Lose"

May 22, 2013
By lexieydg BRONZE, APO, AE, Other
lexieydg BRONZE, APO, AE, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"You have many options in life. Never make giving up one of them." - A.C.

I shivered as I opened my eyes, rubbing them sleepily as I pulled back the warm blankets. Yawning, I drug myself across my room and out into the hallway. Spurs of snow blew against the frosted windows as I made my way down the stairs and into the kitchen. I opened the cupboard and grabbed a glass, sliding it under the tap as I glanced at the clock; it was midnight. This has started to become a nightly routine for me.

I sat the cup in the sink and turned around, heading back to my bedroom. Suddenly, I felt a breath of cold air spiral across my neck. My eyes grew wide as I turned around in fear. "I didn't leave a window open, did I?" I mumbled to myself. I already knew what was going on. This happens all the time. I shook the thoughts out of my head and turned to head upstairs. That was when I saw it, a faceless, disfigured shade of black sat on the bottom of the steps, looking as if it were staring right at me. I froze, a numb feeling washed over my body, leaving me paralyzed.

The figure stood up, slowly making its way towards me. I tried to scream, but all that came out was silence as it came further and further. Then I thought to myself, "Just stop thinking about it. It will go away." I squeezed my eyes shut and tried to count to ten. There was a moment of silence. Was it gone? I was too scared to open my eyes. I then felt its breath, heated and humid as it blew against my skin. I wanted to gag at the smell. It smelt like fermenting death. The feeling of numbness doubled itself. I couldn't move at all. "Please," I whispered in fear. I realized I just talked. That was the first. "Leave me alone," I cried as the figure continued to observe me. The apparition let out a sinister laugh, echoing throughout the hallways. It then snapped back to face me, speaking some sort of foreign language. I then felt the numbness leave from my body.

"What do you want from me?" I screamed. The shadow just stood there. Even though it was faceless, you could sense it had a smile slathered across its face. "We play game. You. Run." It whispered, lifting up a finger pointing towards the door. I took its advice and turned, taking off at the speed of light. I yanked the door open and continued to run. After a moment, I realized I was still in my hallway. The figure was gone. I continued to run. I vowed I wouldn't stop until I made my way outside. I opened the door again only to find another door. I was in an endless hallway. The shadow tricked me. I didn't give up. I continued running, hearing the husky laugh of the apparition as I continued to open a new door, facing the same scene. I then turned around to see the shadow was now drifting after me, ghosting across the hallway floor.

I felt tears began to prick my eyes. Why was this happening to me? What does this thing want from me? I stopped in my tracks. This has to stop this instant. I breathed in and turned around, ready to face my fear. Once I turned around, the apparition was face to face with me. I fell to the floor in fear. I tried to scoot backwards, my nails dragging against the wooden floor boards. I leaned against the door. The shade stayed in its spot, digging its humanoid fingers along the floor, pulling itself towards me. I felt the sweat began to drench my body. I just wanted this to end. My breathing hitched as the figure slid up against me, dragging it's shadowy like fingers along my arm, breathing against my neck. I gulped, "what do you want from me?" It let out a low grunt before moving its lips towards my ear,

"You lose."

The author's comments:
In my Language class, we were given an assignment to descriptively write about one of our nightmares. This is the first time I've ever been able to write down one of my own dreams (nightmare, in this case) and fully comprehend it.

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This article has 1 comment.

on May. 26 2013 at 9:14 pm
KkatKreationz PLATINUM, Minerva, Ohio
31 articles 0 photos 66 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Be yourself. Everyone else is already taken." :)

woah scary. yet.... i like it. :)