A good old monster story | Teen Ink

A good old monster story

May 29, 2013
By Mr.Sir BRONZE, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Mr.Sir BRONZE, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Be the change you want to see in the world.
- Gandhi

A good old monster story

Chapter 1, The picnic

It was a dark and stormy night. Scratch that, it was actually 12:33 in the middle of a beautiful monday afternoon, and I was at my family picnic for the year. It’s a good thing we only have these once a year too. It’s filled with old people who have those electric scooters that you can hear coming a mile away. If you manage to ignore that then you have my crazy, demonic, 10 year old sister who seems to have a limitless supply of energy. I’m being completely serious if the government wanted someone to run a treadmill and provide free energy for the world she would be the first on my list to send away. The only thing I get to do is babysit for 3 toddlers who are just at the age where they can talk but you wish they couldn’t because they seem to have an unending list of questions that they must have been wanting to ark for those two years they couldn’t talk. While My mom goes and has fun with all of her friends, I get to sit with three toddlers for five hours with nothing to do but watch grass grow, literally. I thought my day couldn’t get any worse. I can’t believe how wrong I was about that.

Chapter 2, It came from the lake

About two hours in the toddlers had all fallen asleep. My best friend Jake had come to the park a few minutes ago. I had told him as soon as I was done babysitting I would meet him by the lake. Remembering that, I dropped the kids off with my mom and took off on my four year old dirt bike that was getting way too small. As I arrived I saw Jake down on the beach. The tide was high right now so you could only walk on about one to two feet of sand depending on where you walked. Unfortunately for us we had about six inches of beach left so we wouldn’t have much space for really anything. I parked my bike on the sand which in retrospect probably wasn’t the best idea, but how could I have known what was coming up next. I ran over to my friend and said Hi. we talked for all of about 2 or 3 seconds because at that very moment, something grabbed my bike and pulled it into the water with amazing speed. Jake and I both stared, and about ten seconds later my bike came soaring out of the water and landed on the shore. When we ran over to look at the bike it was all mangled up and almost unrecognizable. I was so shocked the only comment I had was "At least I can get a new one this christmas." We turned around slowly wondering what had just happened, and then we saw it. A large fish like being with legs, arms, and monstrous teeth. I think you can guess what we did next.

Chapter 3, Run like your life depends on it, because it does.

Jake and I ran faster than we ever had before. Obviously this thing was still getting used to running on his legs, but he was still about two times faster than either of us. This thing was definitely not a force to be messed with. We were about halfway back to the picnic when we realized it was impossible to outrun this thing so we decided that the best idea would be to hide. Jake took cover behind a tree while I dove into a small shrub about ten feet away. Sure it hurt but I think that it would have been ten times worse to be toothy's new chew toy. The monster did not seem to notice and ran right past. We were safe, unfortunately that monster was headed straight for the family picnic. Oh how I hate mondays.

Chapter 4, Time to save the day, or get stuck in a ditch. Whichever comes first.

Remember when I said my Jake and I both jumped behind a tree. Yeah, well I kind of left out the fact that we had to jump of of a ten foot cliff into a muddy ravine to do so. So now not only was that monster running towards the family picnic, we were both stuck in a ravine about waist deep in mud. I turned over to Jake to see that he was looking at me with panic in his eyes. I must admit with all of this nonsensical chaos that has seemed to have taken place over a matter of a few seconds it really has been a struggle to keep calm and not completely freak out. We still had to take care of the monster that was running on the loose somewhere within the forest. We also had to remind him that my family wasn’t his food and not to eat them. It sure was going to be a long day.

Chapter 5, Wrapping up.

We slowly waded our way out of the ditch and back onto the path, we ran up the hill expending all of the energy we had left. As we arrived to the picnic we saw that toothy had obviously already been here. There were massive chunks bitten out of the table and all of the blankets were torn with scrapes and claws. Among all of the destruction the monster was standing in the dead center, like the eye of a storm he stood in an area where anything within 15 feet of him was completely obliterated. As I approached the monster he said eight words and eight words only. You're going to be late for the picnic. And that’s when I woke up.

The author's comments:
Based on a real dream I had

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