The Secret Life of Sasha Evens. | Teen Ink

The Secret Life of Sasha Evens.

May 20, 2013
By annahoward BRONZE, Prospect Heights, Illinois
annahoward BRONZE, Prospect Heights, Illinois
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The Secret Life of Sasha Evens.

At work:

The camera clicks and clacks, one shot after another, for several minuets at a time.
Her ruby red lips stand out the most, from her pearl white bathing suit.
The photographer shouts, “ Look alive Sasha, look alive! You’re model of the month!”
The outfits change, from designer to designer, continuing for hours on end.
Coffee breaks casually happen, but Sasha cannot partake.
She goes to make-up for touch-ups and mumbles under her breath, “coffee will stain my teeth”.
The clock strikes seven, and work is finally done.
Sasha grabs her royal leather Louis Vuitton purse and lets her assistant take care of the rest.

En Route:

Security stands sharp and tall, with there TSA badges on their uniform.
Sasha jumps the line, and thanks her friend who’s in the middle of his shift.
Security checks her through and sets her free.
Her casual walk turn into a slight jog, for she cannot miss her plane ride home.
She takes the stairs up to her private, purple, plush, jet; asks for Fiji water and opens her glossy 17-inch MacBook Pro.
As she works through the plane ride, she finally lands.
To her, home is California; she has her suit cases claimed and heads to pick-up.
Her razor black limousine waits, “ to 5430, East Lillyet Drive”, she states.

At Home:

Walking through the door, the maid has cooked dinner and ready to serve.
The eight-burner stove, and stainless steel fridge are cleaned, looking untouched.
Sasha eats alone, with her thoughts and her sparkly two-carrot wedding ring she’s never taken off.
Thinking back a year ago today, the last time she saw Josh’s eyes and smile before the accident.
As she finishes dinner and moves on to taking a quick dip in the underground infinity pool she realizes she forgot to get the mail.
Opening the last white crisp envelope, bill after bill, she has gotten word.
The adoption from china has pulled through.
She now will be a mother to a beautiful little girl.

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