The Murders of Forest Valley | Teen Ink

The Murders of Forest Valley

June 5, 2013
By WaveyKing248 BRONZE, Brooklyn, New York
WaveyKing248 BRONZE, Brooklyn, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Once your on top go over the top.

As Vince and Udonis grew older the crime rate became more and more in Forest Valley. Everybody knew their was 2 suspects always killing people but could not catch them. Udonis and Vince were smart with murders they never left fingerprints. Forest Valley became the worst place to live people did not want to come out their house.By the age of 17 Udonis and Vince have killed over 800 people in a population of 3,000. Vince still wanted love , but yet he could not find it he knew he was not complete. Udonis on the other hand was almost complete he just wanted to be better than his brother.

Udonis and Vince killed so much much their hands were blackish-red because of the dry blood. At the age of 19 Vince made Forest Valley furious by killing the mayor`s daughter. Udonis stayed home during this crime. The mayor`s daughter was 24 and they found her arms and legs near a grocery store.They still could not find the body. Vince was alerted he knew the whole F.B.I was after him so he laid low for a year and a half.
Everyone was happy they thought Vince and Udonis left the city. There was one man who was suspicious his name was Michael Jayard. He was always so noisy. He was born like that.

Forest Valley became the best city ever for that year and a half. There was no sight of Udonis and Vince at all. Forest Valley`s crime rate dropped incredibly. Forest Valley was named the most beautiful city in the United States. Everybody on the streets were having a good time. Forest Valley had a good time they had a carnival almost every 3 weeks. Forest Valley never received bad news everyone felt safe and content. People walked around the streets of Forest Valley at 1 a.m fearless. Many tourist came to Forest Valley on vacation. Michael Jayard started to think everything was fine until, he went to his friends house and no one answered. As he was leaving his friend Jim`s house he saw blood coming out the garage. The blood was bright red and looked silky. Michael broke into the garage and saw his friends body. Michael was astonished. There was a sticky note next to the body saying “We Are Back.” Michael quickly reported this incident to the mayor. The mayor was shocked. The mayor held a broadcasting press conference and alerted all his people. The streets became scary , you can see the fear in everyone`s eyes.

The fear was so intense it was as if they were watching 9/11. There was a nice pale looking lady walking down the street unaware of the danger. Udonis stayed in the forest, while Vince came out with a mask you can see the cut lines in his arms which made him look more brolic. He went right behind the lady and put her into the forest. The lady thought she was getting raped but instead a knife was in her eye. Michael Jayard wanted to put a stop to this . He tried to look for them but just could not find them.

Forest Valley`s crime rate skyrocketed. Over a one month span 80 people were murdered. Vince and Udonis had a new look. Vince had a mask to cover his face that has been burned and Udonis had a sleeve to cover up his arm that has been burned. Michael Jayard was a family man. He tried to protect his family. He had a wife and 5 year old daughter.

Michael got a call saying his daughter has not been picked up. He was confused because that was his wife job. Michael drove through the forest and heard a big BAMMM! He got out the car and quickly saw he drove over his wife`s body. He cried instantly but saw two men walking up in the forest. Vince and Udonis murdered his wife. Michael saw the blood dripping from their hands. Michael quickly got in his car and ran Vince over. You heard a crashing sound Udonis was surprised. Michael got out the car and Udonis quickly stabbed him. Vince was gasping for air and asked his brother for help. Vince cried desperately. Udonis knew this was his time to be number one and what he had to do. He killed his brother with fury. Udonis surprisingly let Michael live. Michael swore not to say anything about Udonis.

The rescuers found Michael in the forest he said this was our killer pointing to the bloody body of Vince. Michael did not mention Udonis at all. Forest Valley was yet to feel Udonis rath. Vince never got what he wanted but his jealous brother did. Life is never fair.

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