Bay House | Teen Ink

Bay House

June 8, 2013
By Anonymous

Bay House

My house is like a kid's playhouse. I have two younger brothers, Taylor and Alex. My name is Kyle and I am a girl. I am 15 years old and my brothers Taylor and Alex are 14 and 13. Alex is the youngest of the three of us. My parents are divorced and have re-married. It was a Friday night around 8:00. Alex, Taylor and I walked our dog, Pepper to the bottom of our hill all the way to the bay. At the edge of the bay there is a house. Everyone says it's haunted. Paint is slowly chipping away at the house. The hinges of the front door orange with rust. There is a giant hole in the steps in the shape of a foot. People say that if you lay your foot on the front lawn, you will be sucked under. Yea right! This creepy house is where Mrs. O'Neil lives supposedly. Mrs. O'Neil is a crazy old lady. She's short, with wrinkly skin and hair the color of dust. She paints her lips bright blue with lipstick and puts heavy eye makeup on. Whenever you call she never picked up. The phone goes straight to voice mail. Whenever you ring her door bell, no one answers. Those are the rumors i've heard.

We come to the end of the road and we jump over the wooden gate. We walk on the long path through the tall grass. I could smell the stench if the bay. We look through the tall grass and see the house.

Taylor started "I dare Alex to go in first."
"Here we go again, this happens every time. He's too scared to go in." I said
"I am not!" yelled Alex
"Prove it." said Taylor
"How about we all go in." I said

We all looked at each other with terror in our eyes, but none of us will admit that we were too scared to go. We slowly started to walk towards the house. Pepper started to whimper. "Sh" I said. All I can hear are the leaves rustling in the wind and the creaking of the house. Maybe this place was really haunted.

"Alex look through the window," says Taylor. Alex slowly and quietly walks toward the window.
"Only a chair." he said
"So no one's in there, let's go in, Alex first." I said

Alex sighs with regret and slowly walks up the front steps. He walks around the giant foot hole in the stairs. He gives us one last look and then opens the door. We waited anxiously. Then I see him at the window with both his thumbs up. Taylor and I walked in together. Pepper started to chew and pull on her leash. I commanded her to stop. We entered the house and saw Alex waiting for us. I felt relieved. Nothing seemed wrong with the house; it was just an empty house. But, it did smell like moth balls and dead fish.

"Well, its not that bad." said Taylor
RIght when he said that we heard footsteps from the second floor.
"Do you hear that?" whispered Alex.

The footsteps paused and then continued. We heard them getting closer and closer and louder. Then we heard someone coming the stairs in front of us. I saw feet then legs, a skirt, a shirt and then a lady. Pepper started to bark at the stranger. The lady walked towards Pepper with both her arms out.

"Shh darling, its okay." she whispered. I picked her up.
"Don't touch her." I said in an assertive voice
"Oh don't worry dear, I love dogs." she said. Taylor gave her a strange look
"Who are you?" Tyalor said
"I'm Mrs. Maguire." she said
"Mrs. Maguire? I have never heard of you. I thought Mrs. O'Neill lived here?" I said
"You are right dear. She lived here but, she suffered a sudden death. Tragic. Too bad no one could find the murderer or her body. She died last year." She said with a mysterious smile.

That seemed strange. How come no one found the body? I don't remember seeing Mrs. O'Neill's death on the news at all. And how would she know she was dead if they couldn't find her body. If it wasn't on the news at all…how did she know about her death?

"I don't remember anything about Mrs. O'Neill on the news." I say
"The story of her death was not on the local news. It was on some unknown channel." She says
"How come no one in the neighborhood heard about it, Mrs. Mraguire?" Alex asked
She seemed stumped. I think we were all thinking the same thing. Is Mrs. Maguire the murderer?

"Like I said she suffered a sudden death" She said

She seemed angry and furious. She began to stroll around the room. I looked at my brothers. I mouthed is she the murderer? They both nodded at me. We have to leave and call the police I mouthed again. She must have been watching me when I was talking to them. She suddenly turned from a nice old lady to a mean devilish one. She began screaming.

"I know what you snotty little kids are talking about! You better not tell anyone about your visit…If you make it out alive." She said

Time seemed to slow down once she said that. My heart started to race. If we make it out alive? She started to chase us and scream. We ran up the stairs. I took her bedroom while my brothers took the library. I hid under her bed with Pepper locked under my arms. I began to cry when I heard her footsteps slowly go up the staircase. She stopped. I rapped my hand around my mouth so the sound of my breathing would be unheard. She was facing her bedroom, but she didn't walk in. She turned and walked into her bathroom. If she wants to catch three kids why would she go into the place where she knew no one would be hiding? Instead of looking for us in the bathroom, she started opening the drawers. Suddenly, I heard the sound of a sharp bald glide against the counter. It sounded like a butcher knife. What is she going to do to us? We have to get out now. I could hear her walking back to the staircase and began walking back downstairs. Where is she going now? I heard her plop onto the rocking chair begins to squeak as she rocks back and forth back and forth. I assumed it's alright to come out. I crawled out from under the bed and keep low and go into the library room to get my brothers.

"Psst!" I whispered
Taylor and Alex popped their heads out from behind the bookshelf
Taylor whispers "What do we do now? We should never have come here?"
"Sh" I said

I saw the window across the room. I crawled to examine the window to see how high the drop was. It wasn't that high. Suddenly, I heard something moving, something big, more like a sliding sound. I turned to see that Alex and Taylor found a secret compartment behind one of the bookshelves. There were double doors, which were closed. Taylor went to open the doors.
"Wait." I commanded

Pepper jumped out of my arms and runs towards the doors. She started to sniff the doors and whimpers from the stench. What is behind the doors? Whatever it is I bet it isn't good. Mrs. Maguire hasn't made a sound yet. Maybe I should open the doors. It could be an easier way out of here. I smelt the horrific odor. It smelt like something was rotting. I opened the doors. It was a small room filled with rapped bodies like mummies.

"OH MY GOSH!" Alex screamed
This is where Mrs. Maguire keeps all her dead bodies. This is really creepy. We really need to leave now no matter what we have to do.
"Let's go now!" I screamed
"No we have to get her, she can't get away with this!" says Taylor.
"No we are leaving now. Jump out the window. When we get out we will call the police!" I said
"Just call the police now. Before she escapes and gets away." said Alex

I heard footsteps downstairs. She's back. Mrs. Maguire was running up the stairs with her knife in her right hand. She comes to the door way.

"There's no way you can get out now." She says
She threw the knife and just missed by head. I pulled the knife that was wedged in the wall. I opened the window and told Alex and Taylor to jump out with Pepper but, I stayed behind.
"I guess I can kill you." Mrs. Maguire said
She punched me in the jaw and scratched my arm with her nails, this leaves a deep cut with stung. The room began to spin but I caught myself.
"No, I think I'll kill you." I said

I look at the knife in my hand and look back at her. She knew what I was going to do. I could hear my brothers screaming for me. I took the knife and chucked it at her. The knife lands right in her chest where were heart is. She began screaming but I couldn't understand her while I jumped out the window. I landed on the ground and heard a loud snap which was my ankle breaking.
"Call the police now!" I said

Taylor took his phone out while Alex came over to me and checked the gash in my arm. It was so deep that I could see right through to my bone. I felt light headed. Just then I could see the flashing lights of an ambulance and police. I saw an old woman being put onto a stretcher. It was Mrs. Maguire.

I woke up with a bright light in my eyes. I lifted up my head and saw my parents asleep in the corner of the hospital room. I had a horrible headache. I looked to my right and saw Taylor. I looked to my right and saw Alex. They were both asleep. A man came up to me and said

"Hi Kyle, I'm Dr. Manson. You and you're brothers are lucky to me alive. We found the woman in that house you were in. She is sill alive but, is badly injured. She will be placed in prison for the rest of her life. The police found the stash of bodies in the house. There were a total of ten in the small room you found. Without you and your brothers we could not have found her."
"Yea, it took this long for the police to find her and the dead bodies." I said in an agitated voice
"Yes and we are truly sorry for the way it had to turn out." He said
There was a moment of silence.
"What were you kids even thinking when you went inside that house? You must have known that there was something wrong?" He said
"No. We were just fooling around." I said
"Well it was very brave of you." He says

Dr. Mason left the room. I felt relieved that this was all over and that we were all okay. Now, I can can fall asleep with no worries.

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