Missing Locket | Teen Ink

Missing Locket

June 17, 2013
By Anonymous

It moved in to Max’s bedroom, with quick and smooth steps. The door creaked open as it slid past the side of the door, searching for the object in the quiet, dark room. Suddenly, it jumped onto the blue, wooden chair, eyeing the shine of silver metal. The object sparkled from the beam of light that seeped into the room. Eager to get the object, the creature scrapped his claws on the desk and jumped up. It knocked the lamp off the desk, sending it over the side. After falling through the air, the lamp hit the ground, shattering into a million pieces. The loud smash caused the creature to hiss and bolt for the target. It picked the object up and dashed to the other side of the desk where The Outsiders sat. Digging its claws into the book as it ran over, it shredded the cover to pieces. The creature jumped down onto the ground and walked out the door, careful not to step on the glass. The target went with him.

School hates Max.

She walked in front of Max and stabbed him. Max stared down at the ground and tears fell down his face. The blood colored “F” smeared over the paper from the tears, and fell to the ground. He would be dead to his dad because of this. But he didn’t have to show him.
Max stared at the clock as the second’s hand slowly passed 45. The hand seemed to be slowing down, but he rubbed my eyes and continued staring. 58… 59… 60. Max grabbed all his books and ran out of the room not realizing the clock was 3 minutes fast. No one else left the room.
The flowers were open wide on the trees along the path. The sun shined onto the tan sidewalk. Max skipped along the sidewalk up until he got to his house. Every day Max gets to pet his favorite cat that always rubs its orange fur against him, and he gets to see his mom smiling up at him from his desk. Max’s favorite lamp sits right next to her, but not that day.
Max unlocked the door and walked inside to his room. The lamp was on the floor, and shattered glass on the floor from the cracked light bulb. Shreds of paper lay all over the desk. There were a few strands of orange hair on the desk between where the book and lamp sit on the desk. “Where is it?” Max looked all over the desk. He scanned the floor, but he couldn’t find it. “No… No it can’t be gone!” Max started to panic, but he searched the room, and it wasn’t there.
Tears ran down his eyes. He kept telling himself that he just had a bad day at school and it was there, but it wasn’t. Max’s dad wouldn’t have taken it. He had his own picture, and looked at it all day. So Max finally accepted that it was stolen and looked around his room again. The orange hair caught his eye, and Max studied it. Maybe it was someone with orange hair? Max thought as picked up the hair. Who do I know has orange hair? It then hit him that there’s a kid at school with orange hair!
Max decided to investigate Oliver, the kid with orange hair. Max knew that Oliver stole the locket; he had to have been the one. He is the only person Max knows with orange hair. Oliver goes to the park by himself after school to do homework. Oliver would pay for what he had done.
When Max got to the park he saw Oliver scribbling on paper, sitting on the swing. Max sprinted to the swings as fast as he could. Oliver heard Max’s footsteps and looked to see Max running straight at him. Oliver jumped right off the swing and sprinted in the opposite direction. Sweat ran down his face as if he had something to hide. He ran up to the fence and climbed up it, putting the tip of his shoes in the small holes.

Max, not far behind, squinted his eyes and stared right at Oliver. He ran up to the fence and climbed. Oliver climbed to the top and jumped over, but landed hard and fell to the ground. Max stepped over the fence and slowly climbed down the other side. He was shaking from the rush of this. Max stepped beside Oliver and and yelled, “Where is it!”

“Where is what?” Oliver questioned as he stood up.

“You know, the locket! Green string, metal picture holder!”

“I don’t have any locket!”
“Yes you do. You stole it!” Max screamed. He grabbed Oliver shirt and Make his hand a fist.
“No I didn’t! Don’t punch me! I know who could have!” Max’s eyes opened wide. “It could have been Stephen.” Stephen was the worst kid in the world. He is always fighting with people and steeling their stuff. “Stephen left school in the middle of the day, and came back at the end of school.”
Why didn’t I think of that before? Stephen steals from everyone. “I am so sorry, why did you run?”
“I got scared”
“I am so sorry.” Max climbed over the fence and walked across the field. His head was down as he walked to the school.

The school doors were open, so Max ran right in. Up on the second floor, Max stomped up to Stephen’s locker. Max slammed the locker door open, and a pile of junk fell on the floor. There were 20 magazines, 100 pens and pencils, and a lot of other things. Max grabbed handfuls of junk and threw it behind him, slowly clearing out the locker. Searching through every handful and wishing the locket was there. Hours passed by for Max as he kept losing hope. Soon, Max got to the bottom of the locker and the locket was nowhere to be found. At that moment, Max started to realize that he didn’t have to have the locket. He might never see it again, but the real thing that mattered was that he would always remember his mother. After cleaning up the locker, Max slowly walked back to his house with his head down. He knew everything would be better if he just forgot it and moved on.

I hope mom would understand. As Max stepped up the stairs to the door, he let out a sigh. He couldn’t just forget the one thing that kept his mother with him. Max was about to cry, but then he saw his cat chewing a green string.

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