Home Alone (Ghost Story) | Teen Ink

Home Alone (Ghost Story)

July 30, 2013
By Anonymous

Mom! Do we really have to move to a whole new place? My family has been living in Ohio for my whole life and now were moving to Indiana! Mother's new boyfriend lives in India and now their engaged to be married in 2 months. "Our flight leaves in 3 hours! Go make sure your brother and sister's are ready!" I'm walking up to my sibling's room's to make sure their ready and then we all pile into the van and drive off to the air-port. When we got to the air-port we had to wait age's to get on the plane. But we got on the plane and took off to India. We got there a couple hour's later and went to my mom's Fiancés house. It was HUGE! It looked like it was 3 story's high but when you went inside it was 4. Me being the oldest of my 4 siblings got to pick out my room first. I got the room that came with it's own bath-room, a window seat, chandelier, and it also was huge. I unpacked all of my stuff and ran downstairs to tell my mom good night. A coupe of night's later my mom and everyone else was going out to eat. I was feeling sick so I stayed home. I was in bed when I thought I heard a loud noise out in the hall. I just ignored it thinking it was just the house making a noise because it was an old house. A couple hours past and I was asleep. Something woke me up. It was a strange noise. Like a evil groan. It was coming from right outside my door. I shot up really quickly and ran and locked my door. I ran to the bath-room and locked my self in the closet that was connected to the bath-room. All of a sudden I hear a knock on my door. It could be my mom, or it could be someone else. But I unlocked the door and went to go check the other door connected to the hallway. I put my ear up to the door and said "Hello"? And that's when the door started shaking! I ran away from the door and then it stopped. "Your going to die tonight" Said a voice coming from behind the door. This voice, this voice was not human. It sounded like a demon. Then the door shook again. This time more violent. The door was starting to get a hole in the middle. The shaking stopped again. I went to the door and leaned down to peek through the little hole. A eye was peeping through as if it was spying on me. It was the most scariest thing I had ever seen! The color around the eye was black. But the color of the eye was red. The skin around the eye was grey and rough. The noise started again. The evil groan I had heard a couple of hours back. The door was pushed down and the demon got on top of me. It stabbed me with it's tail and I died.
The End.

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