Father's Nightmare | Teen Ink

Father's Nightmare

July 23, 2013
By BridgetteR17 GOLD, Littleton, Colorado
BridgetteR17 GOLD, Littleton, Colorado
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Almost every wise saying has an opposite one, no less wise, to balance it.
George Santayana

The wind blew anger on the winding park path. A man with a dark green coat sauntered down the path.Leaves blew and picked up a piece of blank bloody splotched paper.The man sadly

removed the paper from his worn face.He walked to a black rusty lonely bench and sat down.The man looked around the lonely fresh green park.He took a nice long unconformable nap.His dream shortly turned into a nightmare. The nightmare was black and painted with blood prints.Death appeared many times in his nightmare luring him into his grasp.As soon as the man grasped Death's hand the man woke up. The man's breath was shortened after his terrifying nightmare. But was this really a nightmare or was it reality. This man wondered off the path back to his isolated cottage. Death trails behind him quietly. The man rocked in his wooden rocker for hours. Death was tired of waiting for the man to die on his own. So he showed the man painful memories and placed a nose on the kitchen table. The man became very depressed and sorrowful, that he found himself wrapping the nose knot around his worn neck. He placed the rest of the rope on the fan. He grasped a chair and stood on top of it. Death pushed the chair away slowly from the man's feet and suddenly darkness overcame the light. The man hung from his fan until a five year old found him. This five year old was once his daughter.

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