Darkness | Teen Ink


August 4, 2013
By Anonymous

Emotionally im dying, physically im suffering, drowning in my past that cant seem to leave me alone. No matter where I run of where I hide the darkness still calls out to me. It whispers my name carefully dragging me in with its charm speaking. It wont be ignored it cant be ignore. It sucks every pure and good thing in this life. I am the son of the darkness! I ran away when I was ten. the darkness called out to me but she was going to turn me into something no human could ever want to be. I was going to be like my mother the darkness. I am now eighteen and resemble her with raven hair and the most darkest black eyes that call out evil. I am a monster but not because I want to be but because I was born to be. I live among the woods. there shall I be safe, there is where I try to stay away from anyone. I run and run until I know im safe away from my mother. she wants me dead because as long as im living she can not rule over what I despise the most...DARKNESS. I am the next air. I was born into something people cant even stand to hear its name. I was born to feed upon human flesh. it scares me, why? because I enjoy it. I enjoy to there face suffer. they cry out but no one hears. how can I take joy in something so evil? I am the devil...I was born to be the darkness.

The author's comments:
to be honest I was bored:)

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