The Witch Curse | Teen Ink

The Witch Curse

September 16, 2013
By KylieG38 BRONZE, Olathe, Kansas
KylieG38 BRONZE, Olathe, Kansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Mila,” I looked at her with a worried look, “Where are Paul and Ally?”
Mila is sitting on the rocking chair and reading the book and looked up at me. Man, she is looking beautiful. We got married three years ago at Florida, and it was best day ever i’ve had.
Mila shook her head with smile and say “Dean, Paul and Ally are taking visit to their friend John’s house. You need to stop worrying all time,” Mila looked at me with her eyebrow up.
“All right, if they’re not back by supper time, i’m going to find them,” I said worried.

Once I walked by Emily and Mason, and they are sitting by the pool and talking about Emily being 8 ½ months pregnant. They got married last year at California, and it is huge wedding ever I’ve had seen.
“Emily.” Mason put his hands on Emily’s stomach then rub around stomach and he smiled “You know what? I have feelings that our baby will be boy.” Mason said.
“Mason, no,” Emily rolled her eyes “It will be girl.”
“Emily.” Mason looked at her with pride look on his face “Wanna bet?”
“Mason, no” Emily sighed.
I chuckled at their argument and walked inside the gorgeous house house, the one that Mila and I brought four years ago, our house have a four bedrooms and two bathrooms. I walked to the kitchen and get a glass of iced tea. I heard the door knocked twice, and I walked to the front door and open. Once I open the door, i saw a cop with two kids behind his back. I looked at these kids with my sharp eyes, and these kids refused to show their faces to me. The cop named Ronald who was my childhood friend was standing with his serious look on his face. The more i stared at kids, the more i finally realized that they’re my kids. I looked at Ronald and waited for his explanation.
“Paul and Ally are trespassing on Jorgensons’ property, and they need to stay away from that place. You know what I’m talking about,” said Ronald.
“Why? We don’t want to stay away, Dad,” Paul cried.
I looked at Paul like he lost his mind in somewhere. I got angry and angrier when the kids bickering about Jorgenson place.
“Yeah, it is fun place,” Ally looked at me with a frown.
“Obviously, you’re boring parent. Why couldn’t you let us to play at Jorgenson?” Paul said sastracially.
“Paul. Ally. Go to your rooms. NOW,” I responded angry.
Paul and Ally looked at each other and stomped off to their rooms. I heard their loud footsteps and their doors thudded loudly. I sighed. I turned around and still saw Ronald standing awkwardly.
“Sorry about that. Ronald, thanks for bring them here,”
“It’s all right. It is no big deal, but you need to do something about these kids. I don’t want to find their body dead at Jorgensons,” Ronald mentioned with serious look on his face.
And I knew that i have to explain to kids why they have to stay away from Jorgensons’ place. “Paul, Ally, come here,” I yelled as Ronald leaving the property.
Paul and Ally did what I said. I looked at them, and said

“Paul, Ally, I decided that it is time to explain why you have to stay away from Jorgensons’ place. You can get Mila, Mason, and Emily if you want to,” I told them.
They nodded and ran to backyard to get people. Mila, Mason, and Emily walked to the living room and sat on the black huge couch. Once they sat, and my wife Mila looked at me with strange look.

“Dean, what’s going on,” Mila said.

“I’ve had decided to tell them a story about us. You know, Jorgensons’ place,” I said.
I looked at them with serious look, so that Mila, Mason, and Emily knew it is business. They looked at each other and nodded, then I looked at Paul and Ally. They have their curious george look on their face and I sighed.
“I have to warn you, it is pretty scary and real,” I warned. “It was happened in November 2013, and Mason and I were best friends and were dared to go inside the witch mansion which is pretty huge. We parked our car beside the weird huge tree with strange symbol on it. Once we arrive at the witch house…”
“Dean. Dean… Dean!” Mason yelled
I suddenly woke up and said “What? What? What’s going on,”
“We’re here,” Mason looked at me and chuckled. ‘
“What,” I looked at him, and i’m really lost.
“Dean. We’re at Jorgensons,” Mason mentioned with annoyance look on his face.
I turned around and saw a mansion with few windows. I’ve noticed that their paint had falling off and became rust. I can’t believe that we’re actually here. Mason and I were dared to go inside Jorgensons mansion. Mason and my friend named Jordan mentioned that it is haunted house. Mason and I didn’t believe that. We agreed to go in the Jorgensons’ mansion for a hour.

“Ready,” Mason cheered.

“Heck yeah,” I chuckled.

“Let’s go,” Mason walked on the trail in front yard of Jorgensons.
Once Mason and I walked on the stairs of porch, it squeaked loudly, we assumed that it was really old and nobody want to fix this house. We arrived to the front door. The front door with two large doors with rust gold knob.

“Dean, open the door,” Mason looked at me with his eyebrows up.

“Why me? Are you scared?”

“No. I just want to see if you are scared or not.”

“Fine. For your fricking sakes,” I scoffed.
Here I go. Time to open the door or I will be called chicken at my school for rest of my year. I sighed and reach for the door knob. Once I touched the knob and i slowly turns it, and the door squeaked loudly as i opening it. The front door are opened. Mason and I sighed and walked into the mansion. I looked around, and see everything that was from 80’s. The plastics were covering everything in the houses except unimportant things such as boxes. The floors were ruined which Mason and I had to walked carefully.

“Wow. Everything are old,” I looked at the pile of boxes “Hey, over there,” I pointed at pile of boxes.
Mason and I walked toward to the pile of boxes and decided to open them. I opened one of them and found the bunch of photos albums. I saw a picture where Jorgensons family take their picture taken near the barn. There are six people in the family. I assumed parents and children. I saw another picture where parents were standing near a small tree. I read the words below a picture that said “John and Jenny Jorgensons.” I continued looking for another stuffs in other boxes until Mason found something that was interested.

“Dean. Look at this.” Mason showed me a small black box with lock on it.

“Why lock this box,” I puzzled.

“I dunno. One thing i knew about this box that it is really important to Jorgensons.” Mason looked at me and shrugged. We decided to kept this box with us and want to look around the mansion. I looked around, and saw a spiraling stairs upstair. I told Mason to follow me. I walked toward the swirl of stair and climbed on it. Mason and I walked into long hall with lot of doors. Mason and I continued walking until we heard something. It sounds like whispering and it is really creepy.

“Wait. What’s that?” I whispered.

“I don’t know. Let’s check it.”
I followed Mason and I’m getting really worried. We walked to last door on right, and Mason opened it. And there was shrieking high pitched.

“AHHHH-HHHH!” two girls shrieked and almost hit Mason and my heads with bats.
Mason and I screamed. They are screaming really loud and it hurts my ears.

“Stop! Take it easy. It’s us, I breathed hard. They gave me a heart attack. I looked at girls.

“Who are you?” Mason asked. The girls looked at each other and sighed.

“I’m Emily,” Emily scoffed. She dressed up like a popular girl. She have blue v-neck shirt, black jean, and red jacket with white converse shoes. She have a long curly black hair and brown eyes.

The girl next to Emily said “I’m Mila.” I took one look at her, and I’m speechless. She have wavy brown hair with gray eyes. She dressed gray sweater with black leather jacket, blue jeans, and black combat boots. I think I’ve fallen in love. Mila and Emily look at Mason and me like they are waiting for something. I realise that Mason and I didn’t introduce our names yet.
“Sorry. My name is Dean,” I sputtered.
“I’m Mason,” Mason said smooth. He looked at Emily, and I’ve noticed that he was interested in Emily.
“Why are you here,” I looked at Emily and Mila with my eyebrows up. They looked at me and Emily said
“We’re here because of dare.”

“We’re here for same reason too,” Mason sighed.

“Look at this, do you know about this,” I showed girls the black box that Mason and I found in pile of boxes in living room.

“No. I never seen anything like this.” Emily whispered

“Wait a minute. I have key that can unlock this.” Mila took the black key out of her purse and unlocks the box. The black box opened. We saw a diary with fancy gold words that said Jenny Jorgensen’s Diary (1991.) Mila open a book and read aloud:
My name is Jenny Jorgensen. I’m 19 years old, and lived in this beautiful mansion that my parents bought when i’m young. I grew here for ten years, and i loved living this house until recently. I found a small blue box with weird symbol that looks like pentagon with star inside it, and I decided to open it. I wished i didn’t. The curse is on me, forever. This was already bad time because I’m pregnant with a child. When i gave a birth of my child, i named him Dean, and i decided to gave him away to home that is safe. I became horrible, and i’m not myself anymore. I stopped eating and drinking. My face became ugly and I stopped looking at myself in the mirror. I decided to write this page, and tell you to close this diary and leave this mansion. NOW. -Jenney Jorgenson.

I’m speechless. Mila, Emily, and Mason looked at me with their worried look on their faces.

“Dean. Jenny is your mother?” Mason whispered
I never knew everything about my mother. I never asked my other mother about my biological parents. I’m stunned.

“Yeah. This is my mother,” I muttered.

“My dad knew your mother. He mentioned about Jenny in few years ago. Jenny is his closest friend for many years until Jenny changed,” Emily mentioned.

“What’s your dad’s name,” I told her. Emily looked at me with her eyebrows up.

“John. Why,” Emily whispered

“I think we have same parents.” I muttered as Emily gasped.
The door thudded loudly. All four of us looked at the door, and screamed.

“What’s that,” Mila screamed

“I don’t know. Be quite.” Mason comforted Emily as I comforted Mila.

“Let’s get out of here,” I said
They nodded and followed me. I opened the door and looked in the hall so that i can be sure nobody was in the hall. I walked to stairs on my right. As I walked on the stairs, i arrived in a kitchen. I looked around, and saw doors that exit to backyard. I walked toward the door, and the someone said

“You will not leave this house.”
I gulped and turned around. I saw a girl with big black hoodie with a long black skirt with black boots. I couldn’t saw a face. I assumed it is my mother. I looked at Mila, Emily, Mason as they are terrified.

“Why not,” I whispered

“Well. Since you are my son, and i’m getting lonely around here. It is really long time since i’ve seen kids in my house.”

“Just let us leave,” I looked at my mother and she laughed.

And she disappeared. The doors, windows, and anything can get us out of this house are trapped. I sighed and punched my fist into cabinet.

“Now, what should we do,” Mila muttered

“We can’t get out of here, that is for sure.” Mason said

“True. But we have diary. We knew that Jenny was cursed after she opened a box. We could find this box and somehow reverse the curse. Then Jenny will be normal.” Emily explained.
I nodded. We decided to look for this box, and we split. Mila and I will be in basement while Mason and Emily will be in upstairs. Mila and I found a way to basement, and we walked into it. And we are in basement. There are bunch of books. We saw a weird door with pentagon with star inside it. We assumed that the box will be in there. Mila texted to Emily and told her that we found it. I opened a door and saw a blue box with lock on it. Lucky for us, we have key that can open the box. I took a key from Mila and opened a box. I found a book with symbol on it, and opened. I read aloud:
To reverse a curse, you’ll have to read backwards of this page, and close this book then put it away in the box. Also lock the box and door, and you must leave this house forever.
I read aloud words in backwards on a page of book. After that, i did everything what the book requested me to do. I told Mila to text Mason and Emily to leave now. Mila did what i said, and follow me to get out of this house. We’re not trapped anymore. We get out of this house. Mason and I said bye to Emily and Mila. But it is not goodbye. I looked at the house, and decided to call police to sweep in that house. I hoped that Jenny will be normal.

I explained to Paul and Ally as they hear the ending of story. They are truly shocked. I sighed and said

“Don’t go there ever again. Okay?”

“We won’t. But, what happens to your mother,” Paul said
I sighed and the front door knocked, and Mila decided to walked toward the door and open the door as she gasped.
“Hi.” a woman talked sweet

“Oh my gosh” Mila whispered and move herself from the door so that I can see who is at the door and i knew the face. I looked at her. She is normal. No black clothes, and no ugly face. It is Jenny Jorgeneous. My mother.

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