Creation Out of Destruction | Teen Ink

Creation Out of Destruction

September 17, 2013
By Abbie2721 GOLD, Minster, Ohio
Abbie2721 GOLD, Minster, Ohio
11 articles 0 photos 1 comment

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Some people will see you as small and weak. Others will see you as strong and brave, but i doesnt matter how anyone else see's you. As long as when you look in the mirror what you see makes you happy.

I open it and its grey. A hectic static so dark and bright it burns my eyes and crushes my chest. It grabs hold of me causing my eyes to blur and my legs to give. My breathing heavy but thin and shallow. Time whips by as a second takes hours to pass and hours take years. Crusty rivers and crunchy oceans. My brain explodes and trees erupt from the wreckage. It rains as the sun beats down on me with its burning dry rays. The world passes slowly as I run with all my strength. The ground shakes with a thunder silent to my ears. It’s a song that rhymes but has no beat. It’s a song that beats me into the ground crushing me under its weight. My arms crumble leaving behind rocks and mountains. Mountains so tall they touch other worlds but so short I jump them with ease. Worlds so large they crumble in my palm, so small they crush me in theirs.
I take shelter in an open field full of volcanic rocks and razor blades. Burned, cut and crying I go crazy as the eyes watch me struggle. Then, an interruption that shatters the stars and cracks the moon. My chest concaves creating a crater. A crater so deep it reaches hell and soon I’m falling. Falling down for days, so long I lose track, so dark I lose hope. Then the ground hits me and I gasp for breath at the roaring darkness swallows me whole. I struggle to crawl through the blackness, but soon my legs dissolve into a stream of tar so thick it doesn’t flow. Flaming red shoots me into the sky where I land heavily on pointed rocks.

Crying out in misery a harsh dry wind carries me to the middle of a fire drenched forest. And I lie there in the ashes of the once beautiful life and remember when it wasn’t so bad. But my heart beat starts to slow and soon it stops all together. And I lie dead in that forest my heart melted into the ground so that maybe from it a new, happy, life can be born to live in this world I created from myself. My only wish it they don’t end up like me.

The author's comments:
I wrote this while I was reading "frozen Fire" by Tim Bowler. its sort of a reaction piece to the book but it isn't in some ways too.

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