The Summer I Will Never Forget | Teen Ink

The Summer I Will Never Forget

September 18, 2013
By Anonymous

A young boy named Clifford went to his grandparents’ house for the summer in Colorado. His grandmother said “Come one Clifford, You will have a great time!” On their way there they sang songs like he remembered when he was smaller. The last time he went to his grandparents it looked was when he was six, now he is 10. HE thought hit had only been a couple years ago. But what Clifford might find out at their house might just get him killed.

When they arrive at the house. He did not think the house was yellow he thought it was blue. He just kept walking didn’t think much about it. His grandmother Sharon told him to go down the hallway and take a left when you reach the 5th door. This house was huge. It has three stories, even a basement! The room was on the first floor along with nine other rooms. The second floor was a huge television room. The third floor had my grandparent’s room and a huge master bath with a game room. He took my stuff into my room and put my things in the dressers. I then went to the living room on the second floor. My grandpa was sitting on the couch watching wheel of fortune. I asked him to build a fort with me! WE got all the blankets and pillows out of the closet. This fort was huge. We used the couches to hold the blankets up. After it was built grandma said that it was dinner time. We were having chicken noodle soup for supper. After we ate I and grandpa slept in our fort!

When we got up it wasn’t until 10:00, I went outside to help my grandpa work on his old car. When we got finished he played catch with me! I came to find out that my grandpa was a pitcher back in the day. After we played catch we went bike riding down the road. While riding a met a young boy who was also riding his bike named Jeffery. He was short with dark red hair. His facial features were the thing that stood out to me the most. His eyes were almost pure black I didn’t see any color to them. His hair was cut to the scalp except around his ears; it was as full as you could get it. His nose was very wide.
I and Jeffery were planning on hanging out later. My grandpa said be careful, he though Jeffery was a little odd. I just blew it off, after lunch me and Jeffery met at the park a block down from my grandma’s house. We played on the swings and acted like were being chased. Jeffery was supposed to be the criminal chasing me, Jeffery took it very seriously. He went home and got a nerf gun. He tackled me and I yelled at him to get off but he wouldn’t! I told him it was a game. He finally got off me. After that I was kind of worried to play with him.

I came back to my grandmas after that; I didn’t really want to play with Jeffery again. I came in and supper was ready! Grandpa said he was just about goon come get me to bring me back. We’re having mashed potatoes and gravy. The mashed potatoes were lumpy because my grandma hand smashed them. After done with dinner, I wanted to play with my toys. My grandparents told me to go up into the attic to get some board games and other items.

When he goes up into the attic and sees a large black bin in the corner when he walks over there it says “Sharon’s Toys.” Guessing it must be it he grabs the bin and starts to walk off. When he begins to walk he hears a large crash. A picture frame fell and had broken. He goes to set up on the dresser next to him. But a piece of paper falls out, it’s a map! His grandpa yells at telling him asking what was taking him so long
He decides that he will go back when his grandparents are asleep. He goes back down to the living room. He plays with his toys for a while. When he sees that his grandparents are fully asleep he heads up to the attic. When he gets up there the map is laying on a box. He notices a lock on it but it has been broken. He grabs the map and sticks it in his jacket. He then opens the box to find it full of photos. He rummages through them to get glimpse of what they are of. Each one has somebody or a group of people with guns. Everybody has a necklace that has a B on it. He grabs a photo that has a man and women in it. He makes sure he has the map and photo and rushes down stairs but trees to stay as quiet as possible.

When he gets in his room and gets on the computer and research’s the year 1927 the year the photo was taken. He comes caroused a newspaper article that said the outlaws of Colorado. Grail Bing and Susan Graphic. As the article said they stared there life of crime in 1920 when they were teenagers. In the year 1925 they became married at the ages 13 and 18. When he put some deep thought into what he just read he notices that the man has his same last name of Bing! He researches some more to find out that they weren’t really criminals they were just cons. They would put on disguises and then trick you.

He then hurries and shuts off the computer and grab his back pack and run out the door to go to the library. Maybe they would have articles about them in the older newspaper. There was no book on them so he heads back home to ask his grandparents about it, they acted suspicious and told him not to go up into the attic anymore. He just thinks there is something that he is not supposed to know. He goes back into his bedroom and takes out his map and thinks he should go on the adventure. Then puts clues together and sees that Grieg Bing is his great-great-great-great grandfather.

Clifford goes on the adventure to find out where the map ends. This map ends at the end of Clearwater the town that he lives in. When he gets there he ends up at the big monument of Officer Vey Travis the one who arrested Susan and Grieg. He touches the gun of the monument which the Officer is holding. A stone rock moves and a large metal box that has the name of Clifford Bing on it. It has everything he needs to know about his family.

The author's comments:
This is just something I thought of but my teacher and classmates helped.

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